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I live in a apartment building, there is only one way to get in and out of the apartment building. There used to be two post to hold on to. but one of them has been broken since August of 2006. The landlord come here all the time and dont fix it. He just leave it. Right now it is winter and there is alot of snow and ice at times, but it hard sometimes to walk up and down on these steps, and than one of the post missing, you dont have any support. If someone was to slip and fall , hurt there back or even broke a bone. Due to the negligance of the landlord. Could you sue him for pain and suffering and stuff? What would be the proper steps in filing a lawsuit? What are somethings I would need to prove my case and win?

2007-01-26 14:08:18 · 4 answers · asked by pnkrockerkid 1 in Health General Health Care Injuries

4 answers

To make your case strong you would first need to make the landlord and the super aware of the situation. You have to give them the chance to fix the problem. Be very polite and formal about the whole thing. If they agree to fix the problem ask for an expected date of completion in writing. If the date arrives and nothing has been done make them aware that the date has passed and give them 3 additional days to complete the project. Take lots of pictures of the posts in there current condition just for the record. After that you should take all the information you've gathered (also it couldn't hurt to see if anyone else in the building has an issue with the situation) and just go see a lawyer and talk. See if your case carries any water. From a moral stand point though, I frown upon people who sue over very little things or silly things just to get someone elses money. Please don't just rush into this.

2007-01-26 14:26:10 · answer #1 · answered by TerreriX652 2 · 1 0

You need to contact your local housing authority and see if they can get after your landlord. Don't count on winning any lawsuit.

2007-01-26 22:16:07 · answer #2 · answered by MimC 4 · 1 0

Your public health department can and will force this repair. They just have to know about it. Call them and report it.

2007-01-26 22:14:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

yes you can sue. see a lawyer. yes documents from the ER or the doctors office.

2007-01-26 22:13:13 · answer #4 · answered by Jeanette M 4 · 0 2

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