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Here are the specs:

AMD Athlon 64X2 4600+
PCIExpress X16 slot with a
ATI Raideon X1950 PRO 256MB of GDDR3
250GB SATA 2 hard disk
16x Double Layer DVD burner SATA interface.
2.0GB of DDR2 800 system ram
dule integrated Gigybite LAN ports
7.1 chanel audio on board.

I am custim building this myself and want the mac os if possible.

2007-01-26 13:42:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Hardware Desktops

4 answers

No. Your hardware doesn't have the Mac BIOS chips, on the mainboard, in the video GPU, and the hardware (North Bridge, South Bridge), has to be able to run the Mac command set.

Any hardware made to run like a Mac is considered by Mac to be an infringement of the Mac patents, plus the Mac copyright. Remember Franklin? Ever hear of the Mac competitors who made clone boards? All sued into oblivion. I hate lawyers. They stifle creativity and invention.

Mac would hope to become as mean and evil as the convicted Felon Microsoft. Mac sure works hard at being evil!

But, I do have good news. There are over 500 Operating Systems that use the Solaris, *BSD, GNU/Linux, and many other FREE OSes kernels, all at no charge, that run similar enough to the BSD /Mac kernel, that some of them actually can run Macs when they have an included Mac command set!

So, for your AMD X2 unit, you could learn and start up, with http://pclinuxos.com

Then, you can get http://ubuntu.org
I like their Kubuntu. KDE desktop on the ubuntu OS.

http://livecdlist.com has a search engine to help you sort through the 310 distros there!

http://distrowatch.com has the top 100 favorites, reviewed and with DL links.

I service Macs, PCs, and convert sluggish PCs to supersonic super computers.

2007-01-26 16:39:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Normally, you could not run Mac OS x on a PC natively. You would have to use an emulator such as Pear to be able run it. This means you will also need to have XP installed too. The first link shows you how to run it using an emulator, the other links, how to run OS x natively on a PC. It will take a lot of work, but can be done.

2007-01-26 15:10:01 · answer #2 · answered by villanim 5 · 0 0

Not officially. Apple is not going to sell Mac OS for use on any other computer in the forseeable future.

There is talk that someone else might come up with a solution to make it possible, but this isn't available yet.

2007-01-26 13:54:45 · answer #3 · answered by Gojira the Great 3 · 0 0

You cannot install Mac OS on a PC. Mac OS is for Macs only. If you don't want Windows, install Linux its free

2007-01-26 13:53:03 · answer #4 · answered by rsvoirdog7 2 · 0 0

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