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well, i just found out last week that i was pregnant (2 months). My mom doesnt know that i've even lost my virginity yet! I'm really scared and i dont know what to do. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years. I havent went to no doctor and i really need some advice right away on pregnancy. I need to tell my mom soon but i dont know what to say. Can you please help me?

2007-01-26 10:58:57 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

32 answers

well, first of all you made a completely stupid desicion that will not only effect you, but your poor baby as well... so not only are you causing that baby a life of pain and grief by either putting it up for adoption (helloo, the baby goes through like 700 foster homes), or keeping it (ur only 16! u can't take care of a baby), you're also basically ruining your own life. good job.

best advice: tell your mom, talk it over with her, and then figure out what to do. SHE'LL probably know, even if your immature mind doesn't.

and, i don't care what anybody says, if you were dumb enough to have sex without protection, then you weren't "mature" enough to do it in the first place.

anyway, i wish you and your baby the best of luck, even though you're made a horrible desicion in your life.

2007-01-26 11:10:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I had a child when I was 16 also. I know that it is the most terrifying thing that you can go thru at that age. You should talk to your mom. If you can't do it alone then you need to have another family member there. Or if that's not possible then you should talk to a school counselor. Your gonna need the help and support of your mother. the sooner that she finds out the better. Let me give you a little advice. I know you said that you and your bf have benn together for a while, but please if you do anything get your education. Go to college. Both of you. If you decide to keep your baby, it's gonna be hard. But get it over with. you will have a much better life, believe me. 16 is too soon to get married. I'm sorry if tha'ts not what you want to hear. It's very hard having a baby at 16. Everything else stops. No socializing or partying or going out. You'll have a baby to worry about. I hope that you are mature enough to handle it, but sadly most 16 year olds are not. You still have a lot of growing up to do yourself. Talk to some different people and get some different opinions. Good Luck and God Bless!

2007-01-26 11:40:10 · answer #2 · answered by cinnycinda 4 · 0 0

You've been dating since you were 12? Wow.

Depending if you want the kid, just tell your mom (unless she would kick you out of the house). She's going to find out anyway. She'll probably freak (most parents do especially since you are pretty young), but she'll eventually get over it.

If you need pregnancy advice and medical help, check out http://www.plannedparenthood.org in your neighborhood, you can find the state you are living in. They will give you all kinds of unbiased information and real facts.

You are going through a tough time and I know it's hard for you because you feel so alone. There are options though. I feel for you, 16 is so young to be pregnant!

Check out plannedparenthood.com, they deal with teens a lot. Good luck hon!

Don't feel too bad, you aren't the first 16 year old who's pregnant. I know a girl who got raped and got pregnant when she was 15.

Also, I got pregnant at 19 and had an abortion, and I do NOT regret it. I just made sure to get it done early.

PS: Ignore people like ZOE who just want to be mean and nasty.

PPS: You could also do this before telling her. Tell her she needs to sit down, you have some shocking news. Tell your mom that you did the most awful thing you can imagine (like helping someone commit a robbery, or tell her you are addicted to heroin). When she freaks out, tell her you were only kidding, and that you are pregnant.

2007-01-26 11:16:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

PLEASE, PLEASE read my little piece of advice.... I am a mom of two...a 3 yr old and a 4 yr old. I just turned 40 a few months ago.....I can say without a doubt that the best thing for this baby is NOT to be raised by a 16 yr old (even though I imagine you are a great girl and your boyfriend is probably a good guy..you've been together 4 yrs and that says a lot).
Bring this baby into the world and then give it what it deserves.....a good two-parent home with a husband and wife who are a little older than you and who have the means by which to raise this beautiful baby!
When you have the baby you will likely feel such an incredible love for him/her. You may question if adoption is the right answer.......but it is! Put the babies' interest above yours.......put her needs first.
Both you and your boyfriend also deserve to make great lives for yourselves.....you won't be able to do that with a baby to care for.....you must become totally selfless & that is normally not a characteristic of your average teenager! : )
I hope this helps & I will keep you in my prayers. Tell your mom what's done, is done....now you must go forward. You cannot change what happened, you can only react to the situation. And I pray that you make the right choice for that wonderful little baby growing inside you!

2007-01-26 11:40:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay. First of all you need to go to the doctor to determine weather you are or are not really pregnant and if you are how far along you may be according to the first day of your last period. And even if you do end up being pregnant you are the only person that can decide what the outcome will be. You will be the only one to decide weather to keep, adopt, or abort your baby. Whatever happens remember it is your decision to live with not your mom, boyfriend or anyone else. Just be sure to research each option a little bit so you are aware of the outcomes and rights that you as the pregnant teen have, okay? Whatever you decide good luck and remember people can influence you but you have the ultimate say.

2007-01-26 11:12:08 · answer #5 · answered by QT bay bay 2 · 1 0

u just need to walk up to her and tell her u have something very important to tell her and ask her to sit down. then tell her everything about the baby and u not been to a Doctor. and she will help u out with what ever u need and if not there should be a program through your state that you can apply for insurance based on your income if you don't make a lot of money or don't make any it will most likely be free i live in Ohio and ours is called Healthy Start. Just remember you are gonna be a mom now so you need to get to the doctor and make sure that baby is healthy. and what ever u do dont have abortion. I knew a girl once who was in the same boat as you and did have one she is now on antidepressents to cope with what she did you are so young most likely you would deeply regret it later. PS i wouldn't worry about being financially stable there are a lot of programs out there for young pregnant girls. Good Luck,here is my email address if u want a friend to talk to s_noggler@yahoo.com

2007-01-26 11:36:02 · answer #6 · answered by snoggler 1 · 0 0

Hi! You're not alone. Many have been in your situation and come through the experience just fine. Remember that all the decisions are YOURS. Does your boyfriend know? If he does...ask him to help you with telling your Mom; now is NOT the time to rush into marriage but he is also responsible. If he doesn't, tell him. He can also go with you to your Pastor and to Planned Parenthood for counseling. Adoption is a good possibility if you can't keep the baby and are white. Children of color don't fare so well unless you can find help within your Church. No matter what: see a Doctor and cut out cigarettes, junk food and soda pop RIGHT NOW. Coffee is a NO. Start liking fruit and vegetables and cereal as well as meat and plant proteins. Take GOOD care of yourself.You are in my heart and I will be thinking of you! Gina C.

2007-01-26 11:17:02 · answer #7 · answered by Gina C 6 · 0 1

i know exactly what your going through i was 15 when i became pregnant it was very scary for me as well. but you just need to sit down with her and be honest they will love you no matter what but it is better to tell her before she finds out her self because of you already showing. good luck honey i hope that you make the right decision having a child is the most wonderful thing in the world but it is also the most hardest thing i have ever had to do . it is so hard but very rewarding. i am now married and just had my second child 7 weeks ago . i am very happy so it is possible to make it. but if you are not sure you are going to be able to take care of this child financially then i would advise you to give it up for adoption because there are so many people out there that cant have children and would give anything for a child that are financially stable. good luck i hope your parents take it ok. if you need someone to talk to you can email me.

2007-01-26 11:29:41 · answer #8 · answered by Heidi 3 · 0 0

My advice calm down!! Having a child is the greatest gift in the world..If you haven't told your boyfriend tell him..If he's not going to be there you need to know I went through that but he came back..Trust me you can survive I was15 its been 3 1/2 years now and we're getting married and our son is 2 1/2 and doing wonderful ..I just started college...Telling your parents is something you need to do together if he's going to be there...My mom didn't know either about my virginity..but she needs to know..I thought my mom would throw me out..Once she got over the shock and wanting to kill my fiance she was thrilled...After a few months when I needed to she took me maturnity shopping...My mom gets along great with my fiance now....\

P.S. Just like everyone else has said and worked with me its scary no horrifying to have to tell your parents but be honest dont joke and it will be okay but dont get me wrong it will take a lot of time.. having a baby isnt easy but dont for a second thing you cant because I did I was taking care of mine at 16 You can do it and dont let anyone tell you you cant' my fiance's whole family tried to get me to have an abortion I refused my parents told me it was my decision... I would have died had I listened to any one else myself ...Oh yeah..and my fiance.. he stayed away to protect me from that but called all the time to check on me and the baby ..so if he leaves their maybe something more to it but I doubt your guy will leave at all our situation was still more complicted than i've told you....

2007-01-26 11:24:15 · answer #9 · answered by leanne 4 · 0 0

I guess this means that you and your boyfriend have decided to keep the baby?? Before you tell your mom you need to be sure you are keeping the baby and that both you and him agree on that and that you both believe you can afford a baby. I'm 24 and just had my 1st child. Diapers alone cost $18 for a 88 pack. I usually buy 2 packs and that last about 2 1/2 weeks. So you figure you'll spend almost $200/month on diapers. Is that realistically something you and he can afford to do??

If you think you can afford it, and are going to keep it, then I say tell your mom straight out. There's no need to be afraid. If you can afford to support the baby on your own with your boyfriend's help then there's no need for her financial support and you can tell her that. And that you only want her emotional support.

If you don't think you can afford it but you still wanna keep it, I still say you should tell your mom straight out. If you and your boyfriend have been together for 4 years, I'm guessing your parents like him and his like you. So, hopefully everything will go well. All you have to worry about is what your mom will say and again, just tell her you want her support in whatever decision you have made and that you think that your boyfriend and yourself will be able to handle it with minimal support from others.

But really, what do you plan to do? Do you plan to drop out of school or something??

I think you should think long and hard about whether you want to keep this child or not before you talk to your mom and you and your boyfriend should discuss this topic thoroughly.

2007-01-26 11:10:52 · answer #10 · answered by rainbowdympiece 2 · 1 1

you need to speak with your mother before you speak with anyone. It's not going to be easy, expect some anger, maybe disappointment, but if she truly loves you, she will not condemn you.

Remember this, you made an adult choice to have sex, you now need to seriously think about making adult choices.

If you don't want the baby, remember adoption is an option. There are many couples out there that cannot have children that are willing to adopt.

I think that this is something you, your parents , your boyfriend's parents, and your boyfriend need to sit down and discuss.

Having a baby is a scary (especially at your age) and a big responsibility. I wish you the best and I hope that you make right choices for yourself.

2007-01-26 11:08:00 · answer #11 · answered by HappyCat 7 · 1 0

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