The Secret is a movie made by Australian writer Rhonda Byrne based on her book by the same name
The Secret refers to "The Great Secret" and how it has been secretly passed down through the ages by the most wealthy and successful people in history. Also, how you can use The Great Secret to be, do and have whatever you want in your life.
Rhonda Byrne also filmed interviews many successful people about how they currently use THE GREAT SECRET in their lives.
THE SECRET is available as a hardcover book, an audio cd and on DVD. It is an awesome book and movie!
2007-01-26 10:48:43
answer #1
answered by dragonsong 6
the secret, is that that loopy new age e book from Australia, regarding the regulation of attraction, that has been handed down from Greek philosophers for hundreds of years and during the an prolonged time has been understand via the superb rulers and saved hidden via a secret society, from entering into the common guy, earlier of coarse reason Oprah found it! that's a competent component via the way by way of fact the international needs Oprah. Na havent seen it.
2016-12-16 14:17:57
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I could tell ya...but it's a secret....
2007-01-26 08:46:16
answer #3
answered by Laceyfromcali 4