US-embassy Dili, East-Timor
Once the opening cinema is over you’ll be in control of Sam Fisher. This first
part is going to be child's play, but I am going to give you a walkthrough
anyway. It is basically just designed to get you used to the basic controls, so
here we go:
Walk up to the landing stage (you don't need to bother shooting out the light)
and jump to grab hold of the ledge. Just follow the catwalk and shoot the
lights to test your skills, if you are aiming for a good statistic at the end
of the mission keep sneaking slowly, but you don't have to worry about being
heard or seen.
The best way of shooting out lights is to switch your night vision off,
otherwise the reflections will be irritating and you'll might unnecessarily
waste ammo if you miss the bulb. At the end of the catwalk climb the ladder.
Look up to see a rope and simply jump, once you have positioned yourself
underneath it. Sam will grab it and slide over to the other side.
Look up again to see a beam and jump to get hold of it. Lift your feet and
simply proceed hand over hand. On the other side drop down and go to your
right. Enter the hut and pick the lock on the other side of the room. In the
next room climb the beam and jump into the shaft in the left corner. SAVE if
you want to. Leave the room and walk down the ramp into the yard. Turn left at
its end and crawl underneath the catwalk to move on. Cross the next yard and
walk up the stairs onto the next catwalk, where you will find ammunition on
some boxes near the stairs at its end.
Now go quietly down the stairs (there is a guard only a couple of meters away
from you) and lean against the fence to move on. You will have to stand upright
for this. At the end of the fence make a SWAT turn to cross over to the other
side of the opening and shoot the light as you have been told to. Now you will
have the guards attention and you will have to take him out. WITHOUT A GUN. If
you kill him or anybody else during the mission unless you are allowed to, the
mission will be over. It will also be over, if you miss the light bulb too many
times, because even the most foolish of guards will recognize a gunshot
eventually. Hide his body, a habit you'll have to get used to and head on.
Switch on your thermal goggles in order to locate the landmines, then crawl
underneath the catwalk to get to the other yard. You will see a whole bunch of
mines ahead of you, but they are easily avoided: Climb onto the box and jump to
grab the beam above you. Then simply shimmy to its end where you can drop into
safety. Go into the room ahead and climb the ladder to the next level. You will
see a post which you can use to rappel down. SAVE if you like.
Open the door and step outside. Turn immediately right to enter a narrow
passage. Do a split jump and jump again to reach the upper level. Pull yourself
up and sneak into the room ahead. You can either go into the left dark corner
and whistle or simply shoot the light to cause the guard to come out of the
next room. Either way take him out (remember to do it unarmed) and place him
into the corner (-unnecessary if you have already shot the light). Move on and
jump down to the ditch to get the opportunity to SAVE.
Sneak up to the water and shoot the light on the opposite wall. Take notice of
the guard patrolling the bank, you might don't want to alarm him to early so
wait until he is further away. Then simply cross the ditch and take him out. He
is easy to grab from behind since blissfully unaware of any trouble. Now get
back into the water and just follow the ditch until you can't go any further.
If you move too fast you will alarm some ducks and be shouted at by Lambert,
but that's all. Open the door ahead and get inside. Once you approach the next
door, you'll once again be able to SAVE.
Sneak through the next room and into the next one. You will see a man sitting
on a box in front of a burning barrel. Simply sneak up on him and take him for
a walk - the room you just left was dark enough to hide from any sight.
Interrogate him and say good-bye with a hit in his neck, then wait a second to
hear a second man searching for your unconscious friend. Whistle him a tune to
lure him to the doorway, where you can easily take him out without using a
Go to the wall at the opposite site of the yard and climb the rain pipe next to
the narrow passage to SAVE.
You will be now in front of the embassy. Things will now begin to get a little
bit more serious, with more guards around, but it is still fairly easy. Climb
up the ladder ahead of you (don't bother about the gunshots they are not aimed
at you,) and the next one as well. Jump onto the balcony and sneak forward. You
will see glass on the ground (so be careful not to make a sound) and when you
look up from underneath the window you will see a soldier with binoculars.
Since you cannot avoid the light here you have to sneak past him, don't shoot
the light above him, there is no use in alarming him. Once past him you will
see a second soldier in the next window. With him there is Sadono, your main
target for the next few missions, and two hostages...well at least for short
while. Once Sadono is gone, (wait till he has left the next room as well or
else he will come back and kill the hostage) you can shoot the light in the
room, which will alarm the soldier and cause him to come out. Be fast to knock
him out because he will shoot at you despite the fact that he should not be
able to see you. Do not whistle to lure him out, he will assume an attack and
shoot the hostage, which will end your mission. Go to the end of the balcony
and climb out onto the pipes. Climb up and grab the roof. You will now hear
Shetland being tortured, but don't worry, he is tough, it doesn't really matter
how long it takes you to get to him. Shimmy around the corner (you'll be able
to SAVE here) and then let go. You will land on a roof beneath. Climb out onto
the next pipe to your right and slide down. Now quietly sneak up on the guy
hitting Shetland and grab him from behind. Drag him into the dark corner and
knock him out. You will find ammunition in his pocket. Then talk to your old
friend and take the (disgusting) data stick from him. You can talk to Shetland
again to learn more about their common past.
Then shoot the light and open the door. Don't worry about the soldier standing
near the window, just shoot out the light in the corridor and wait until his
examination leads him to your location. Knock him out and hide his body. In
case you are hurt, don't go into the next corridor straight away. Near the
location where you shot the light there is a locked door. It's a bathroom with
a medikit in it. Then head into the corridor. You cannot shoot the light here,
so don't bother. Move on until you see a lamp hanging from the ceiling and
shoot it. Then go to the stairway. SAVEPOINT. These usually pop up, when
something more difficult is ahead, so be careful. Sneak down the stairs to see
a soldier patrolling the hall, two more are playing some game in the
background. Concentrate on the single soldier first. In case you get hurt,
there is a room with a medikit next to the stairs, but the area is well lit, so
you might want to wait till it's all over. To take the first soldier out simply
watch the pattern of his movement. He will eventually stop near the small
tipped over table and turn around before he moves on. This is an excellent
moment to grab him. You could of course also whistle and lure him to a place of
your liking or use the object on the counter to distract him. The others will
be too far away to get alarmed. The bottle from the counter also comes in handy
alarming one of the two playing guards, so you might want to save it for that.
Whether you whistle or throw an object, take them out one by one. If you can't
grab them straight away, simply whistle again until you have them in the right
place. It is also possible to shoot the light above the playing soldiers.
Now head on to the end of the hall and turn left into the corridor. Open the
large door to your right and you'll be able to SAVE.
Open the door ahead and listen to what Lambert has to tell you. It's fairly
simple. Just follow the spotlight from the moment it passes you and try to keep
in its centre as far as possible. Then just drop off at the other end. You will
hear a turret near by - one of the reasons you couldn't take the long way
around. Once on the other side don't hang around for too long or you will
eventually be spotted. Open the door to the right and approach the stairs. Take
notice of the door to your left, which will be your exit later on. Go upstairs,
use the medikit if you have to and head on further up the stairs. I don't know
whether it makes sense to shoot the lights, since he is wearing goggles like
you are, but I do it out of habit and so far he never saw me. Be very quiet on
the stairs and sneak up on him to knock him out. Don't forget to bring him
inside where it is dark. Now open the door and meet Ingrid Karlthson. Having
received the information needed, open the door behind her to get to a
SAVEPOINT. Finally, your off the leash. No more knocking out, now you can use
your gun. But remember: you can only raise 2 alarms without having to abandon
the mission. Before you head downstairs climb out of the window and shoot the
guy in the yard near the fire. Then run down the stairs and get outside.
SAVEPOINT.(You could have also rappel down the wall near the small chimney.)
You will see one of the spots your are supposed to switch off to your left.
Shoot the small light on top of it, then climb up the ladder and use the
switch. Down again and move up to the lamp on the wall of the next building.
Shoot it and wait until a soldier passes by. Shoot him or take him out any
other way. Then go around the corner, shoot the light and climb up the next
ladder to use the switch. Head on to your right and take the soldier out
guarding the next catwalk (you might not see him straight away when he is
around the corner). Then run down the ramp and you will hear the helicopter
coming for you. Once you have reached the inflatable dinghy your first mission
will be accomplished.
2007-01-26 16:46:02
answer #4
answered by Jake-Cun 3