If there is a community college in your area check with them. Most colleges now offer internet courses. I wouldn't just search around the internet looking for college classes online. Make sure that the college campus is near where you live so that if you need the extra help you can go see the instructor; that is the only way to do good in a class like that.
2007-01-26 06:46:37
answer #1
answered by Lindsey B 2
I am 45 and started my college life 6 years ago at a local community college, working full time. I am getting transferred to the University this fall. I've tried the on-line class, but it was actually harder, because you can't ask questions and get a answer simultaneously.
If you are serious about getting a degree, do the right thing and go to classes, even once a week. Also, Pheonix and other schools are not accredited same as regular schools. Good luck, education is always better than not getting one.
2007-01-26 07:15:27
answer #2
answered by Pluto 3
I have taken on-line courses through two of my local universities. I know that there were students in my classes from all over the country. I would suggest going to a local college or university and meeting with an advisor.
you could also check out
Metro State Denver
just to get an idea of what is offered.
2007-01-26 07:16:39
answer #3
answered by k............... 1
I guess you're not yet ready for basic college courses.
Haha, in all seriousness, google The University of Phoenix, Remmington College, or just google the word "online degrees". I'm sure tons will pop up. Just about every school now offers online stuff, maybe even a community college near you. Just do some online hunting.
2007-01-26 06:43:23
answer #4
answered by SirCornman 3
Below are the sites you are looking for.
Keep in mind that most employers do not give much credence to degrees from "online universities" like University of Phoenix (Axia), AIU, Capella, etc.
However, many longstanding, regionally accredited, and completely reputable state universities now offer courses and even degrees online. This is called "distance education."
The links below are the absolute best you will find. They contain more links to many well-respected state university distance education programs.
What distinguishes these sorts of programs is that the courses are generally transferable between regionally accredited institutions. Sometimes, the degrees offered are identical to those earned on campus.
I would advise you to start by looking at the state university system in the state in which you live, and check to see if they offer the programs and courses in which you are interested. If not, check some other state universities. (Pennsylvania has a great system, for instance.)
Note: In institutions of higher education, regional accreditation is better than national accreditation. This sounds odd, but I assure you that it is the case. The regional accreditors are:
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSACS)
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCACS)
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NCCU)
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)
If a program is not accredited by one of these associations, it is best to stay away.
Best wishes to you, and good for you for asking the question before wasting your money!
2007-01-26 08:37:58
answer #5
answered by X 7
1) Fill out the FAFSA (link below) 2) Keep taking general requirements classes at a pace that is comfortable to you: take at least one per semester. All degrees require some basics like 2 semester of college English, college algebra, global & cultural awareness classes, etc. Take these classes now, as they will apply to almost any bachelors degree that you decide on later. Take care. :-)
2016-03-29 03:45:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Check with your community college, Upper Iowa University has many online courses .
2007-01-26 06:45:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Enroll in a community college and take their online classes.
2007-01-26 06:45:23
answer #8
answered by IrisJan Q 2
I just started online education at Ashford University online...I love it...I checked it out so I could make sure it was legit, and it is...It is a nationaly and regionally accredited school...Check it out...Very good!
I am enrolled in the bachelor's of psychology...I really like it...It is in Iowa.
2007-01-26 07:19:09
answer #9
answered by alw0322 1