sex is the main reason for divorce it breaks down to cheating****
2007-01-26 06:06:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't agree. Most relationships in the begining, sex is great. I think that through every relationship both partners get hurt. Arguements and stuff like that. Then we hold that stuff against our sig. other. I have been married for 8 yr. with him for 10 ys. Our sex life just got better because I am able to let go of past issues. It got to a point where he would make me so mad and it would just make him less desireable. We now openly talk about sex and our past issues. I used to just close down to him. It is mostly lack of communication which often leads to divorce. Just think of you sig. other haveing sex with another person, it is not a pleasent thought. If you don't have a problem with the thought then maybe your love is not as strong as as your partners. That could be the problem, you need to first find out what the deeper issue is. I beleive a healthy sexual relationship can only be obtained if you have comunication about everything in a nonselfish way. If one is feeling pressured to have sex then it can not be enjoyable to them. Sorry, but an open marriage will just lead to exteme hurt and divorce.
2007-01-26 06:00:59
answer #2
answered by cherristee 2
NOPE, an open marriage should be something both want, not something allowed by one or the other. The one who's not getting satisfied sexually should be getting REALLY creative and be keeping the dialogue open, and the one who's reluctant really ought to be more considerate and open minded about trying new things and trying to work on keeping the other happy. Sounds like something a marriage counselor or sex therapist might be able to help with
2007-01-26 06:08:56
answer #3
answered by reddevilbloodymary 6
You know, when I was married, I did not want it much either; I did not love the guy anymore, he grossed me out at one point, so I did not care for it!
I am with someone since over a year now, and I want it all the time, so, consider, it is not necessarily the wrong person, just how it evolves over in a marriage is just like getting along, loving each other - you have to work on it!!!
2007-01-26 05:51:16
answer #4
answered by avechm 4
Thye dont marry the wrong person as they choose to marry the one that they are married to... We have to live with our choices and do the best with the choices that we make in life whether they be the right or the wrong choices and an open marriage should NEVER even be an option.
2007-01-26 05:58:19
answer #5
answered by Lady Hewitt 6
I am married now and am unhappy. I want to tell him to get out but I don'thave the nerve yet. But, we have only been married about 1.5 yrs. I think people hide things until you are married. They leave things out when you ask them and do not get lazy until they feel they have you hooked. I thought he was somehting that he isn't. I am sure that I am not what he wanted either, so what do you do? How do you know what someone is really like. Did oyu happen to catch My Name is Earl last night? It was about this very thing!!!
2007-01-26 06:25:28
answer #6
answered by browneyedgirl 2
only if BOTH partners agreed, which usually doesn't happen with that topic.
If two people can't come to agreement on any of the major issues that make a successful marriage, there shouldn't be a marriage.
2007-01-26 05:51:06
answer #7
answered by moniquebell 3
they shouldn't have married in the first place and get a divorce as soon as possible so that they both can find somone compatible in all areas!!
2007-01-26 05:50:31
answer #8
answered by Al B 7
Oh I see you're still trying to find your answer on this. I don't think it works that way Tony. Are you open enough to let your wife be with other people as well?????
2007-01-26 05:51:45
answer #9
answered by Jewel 4
No to the open routine thing! If you want someone else for sex, get a divorce!
2007-01-26 05:49:42
answer #10
answered by Gerry 7
To be quite honest......I've been married 3 times, and I no longer want to even be involved in a relationship anymore whatsoever!!! Because my EX-Husband, messed with my head so bad, over the many years we were together off & on, that, I just feel like there are no "Faithful, good men out there anymore!!!" I could be wrong, but I haven't met him yet!!! So, I've chosen to stay alone until my two teens are raised, and stable in their jobs, and apartments, and then I'll date, but only for "Companionship" you know....... I just dont seem to know how to pick em'!!! And this time I want to find a man in the church, and start allowing God to pick for me, you know...... I've always seemed to be fond of men who were a little on the "Edgy-Side" of things, you know the Rebel without a cause types!!! (Like my father was , who was absent during my dating years!!!) But,, then when I won them over, it was like I didn't like the lives they led, I didn't approve of them partying first and paying the bills later, that sort of thing!!! And I surely didn't like the abuse I endured through this last marriage!!! My last husband, was the "Master Con-Artist" of them all !!!! And he loved to manipulate me, and do whatever he wanted, but I so much as couldn't go to the store without taking one of our kids, with me!!! He never allowed me to leave the house and eventually it got so bad, that I became a "Prisoner" in my own home!!! He was that bad!!! See why I dont want to date, until my kids are grown!! I fear, that I'll pick another man, like my last 3 EXs!!! And I dont want my kids to see me being beat on anymore!! I dont want them to get confused, because the only man they've ever known was their father, my last EX!!! And so I remain alone, until their grown, and then I'll date again, carefully!!! And he lives over there, and I'll be way over here, until we want to do lunch or something out in "Public", that sort of arrangement!!! Its sad, but this is the only way, I can now live a Normal life!! Yes, it gets lonely, at times, and at times I wish I had a man, to be here for me, but I dont want all the issues and strings that come with the man!!! I just like things the way they are for now , anyway!!! Smile!!!
2007-01-26 06:04:32
answer #11
answered by Hmg♥Brd 6