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I've been with my boyfriend for over three years. Recently I found out he had been having an affair with a GG, (genetic women). I am a post-op transwomen and this has hurt me to my soul. I feel as if I've been invalidated as a women, as if i will never be a real women that's why he had to cheat on me with a GG?
I no longer trust him but it's hard to find men who will date me. What should I do?

2007-01-26 05:35:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

11 answers

Why don’t you cut the crap and act normal. Jerry Jerry

2007-01-26 05:55:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Do you mean a "Garden Grove" girl? Because there are some pretty hot chicks in Garden Grove. That's some tough competition, bro. Good luck my man. You'll need all the help you can get, dude. You can always hope for the best, big fella. Now get out there and kick some GG a s s, studly!

2007-01-26 07:26:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It might be that maybe he wasn't comfortable with you or that he was curious with GG. We all don't know how he feel and why he is cheating on you with a GG. However, I think you should leave him and find someone who will accept who you are even though to have to be honest with that person. My cousin went through that process into becoming a man and he have a straight girlfriend. He always tell her the honest way of who he is. She accept him and they are getting marry someday. Honesty is the best choice in any relationship. I hope you find someone who will accept who you are!
Good Luck!

2007-01-26 05:47:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not sure what transgendered means, but you need to move on from that man. Chalk this one up as a learning experience and what not to date again. We all have to go through the duds to get to the studs. Never allow a man to get too comfortable and never allow him to know he hurt you. Keep those two things in mind and you will be fine. As to finding men that will date you, get out there and be seen. There are so many men in this world and I'm sure there is alot who like your kind of woman. Don't get discouraged. Kick the boyfriend to the curb and use this time to work on bettering your self esteem. There are so many woman out there who have had "work" done, it doesn't matter who's transgendered and who's genetic. Thank you and good luck.

2007-01-26 05:50:21 · answer #4 · answered by cookie 6 · 0 1

You are a real women, in your mind spirit and now body. Again you are a real women, dear. Do not fret. Tell this man exactly how you feel about this and how it's effecting you. Depending on his reaction you'll have to judge as to the direction you need to go. Good luck. You have my support.

2007-01-26 06:05:54 · answer #5 · answered by Add Man 4 · 0 0

Welcome to the wonderful world of being female. I know this hurts, but keep it in perspective. Guys cheat and it doesn't matter whether you were born with the female parts or not. This is about your relationship, not your body. I am sorry this happened to you. Be brave. Move on. There are good men out there.....somewhere. :)

2007-01-26 06:03:55 · answer #6 · answered by Isis 7 · 0 0

Leave him, male or female we all deserve respect and love (granted we are faithful and give it to the other person wholeheartedly). Just date around until you find the one and maybe try not telling the next guy. Or hey, there are chat rooms/websites like true.com or eharmony. EXPLORE and have fun. Show him you are better than the skank he cheated with!!!!!!

2007-01-26 05:57:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Leave him, since he cheated on you, no point keeping him. I know it hurts, but time will heals all wounds. And I believe in fate and love is all around you. I believe your true love will come to you no matter who you are. Just keep looking and never give up. Do not give up when the tide is lowest for it is about to get high.

2007-01-26 05:45:16 · answer #8 · answered by ButterMilkQueso 2 · 1 1

What difference does it makeit their a gg, a tg a mg or even a chevy, cheating is cheating...dump him

2007-01-26 06:01:28 · answer #9 · answered by dj 4 · 0 0

Really, get rid of him. Just because finding someone who will date you is hard, is no reason to settle for someone who won't treat you properly. Besides, I bet there are a ton of men who would go out with you! good luck!

2007-01-26 05:46:16 · answer #10 · answered by MrNiceGuy 3 · 1 1

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