You benefit by having a clean relationship, in more ways than one. first, no std's . second, no baggage, third, there is no comparison and finally, it is the best feeling in the world to know you were the first and they saved it for you.
2007-02-02 12:44:05
answer #1
answered by isellhousesinnm 2
well first off it's mostly religion and deeply religious people believe it's a sin so that's one reason. second, it's a lot easier to know if someone has a disease or anything because most likely a virgin won't have any STD's. Guys tend to like virgins better for well a lot of reasons. Girls tend to like virgins because it's easier to tell where their motives are. I mean if you know a guy has been around a lot then you will wonder if he really likes you or wants the sex. If you meet a virgin who's been in some relationships you're more likely to know he really likes you. But there's nothing wrong with being a virgin.
2007-01-26 05:16:54
answer #2
answered by angelicasongs 5
As a Christian, I would have to say because God told us not to have sex outside of marriage. I was not a virgin when I got married. Here are some reasons it is good to be a have the knowledge of knowing your spouse has no diseases, never been pregnant, that you are the only one that has been with him/her in that way and that is pretty special. Alot of times sex complicates relationships...such as how are you sure the person you are with wants all of you and not just your body? Sex before marriage can cause self esteem problems, babies with no daddies, and sometimes babies with no mommies. Also you could get pregnant or the women you are having sex with could. If I could go back I would change that I did have sex before marriage.
2007-02-01 08:03:33
answer #3
answered by Crystal 2
There is always the facts. Without sex you cannot get pregnent Or contract sexually transmitted diseases. If a family is important to you in the future keeping yourself clean & health is a good way to start out. Then there is the issue of being in control of what happens to your own body. Your body is yours & until you choose to share it with somebody that is your God given right. It is a means of respecting yourself.Not everyone you meet will be that right person. Some even pride themselves in deception merely to get what they want, & you can be left in terrible situations. The fact is that somebody who shows disregard for your feelings & convictions is telling you I can't be trusted & that should be the little voice you listen to. They don't respect you & that is a poor foundation to build a life on. Is it evil or anything like that for a persson to go down such a road, No! But caution should be the key for this is your life & a very personal part of it. tThink seriously about it.
2007-01-26 05:25:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As with all issues many people have different feelings. To many, religious feelings are deeply important to them. A person who is likely to adhere to strict control of their sexual feelings before marriage are more likely to maintain fidelity in marriage which is far better for both persons. Men who view sexuality in less traditional and more modern scopes tend to say that sleeping with the girl next door is okay while their wife might not resulting in grounds for divorce. I was 29 till I lost my virginity and it was hard for me to find someone. Most women said I was too nice. I went wild and now I'm married do have a hard time staying faithful. I have but that doesn't mean I don't fight temptation.
2007-02-03 02:01:24
answer #5
answered by kyghostchaser2006 3
Because when you get married you adn the person you married will feel more about you and feel like dam n that girl is still a virgin and thats really good for the person you love because everyone is like I can't be a virgin because I can't people will make fun of me and guess cares that they make funny of you because your a virgin and they are not and they might have some sexual shi t and you don't thats a lot to think about.....
2007-01-26 05:08:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sex is a powerful experience, right? So imagine doing something so intense, for the very first time in your life, with the most important person in your life. And your spouse is touched, knowing you wanted to share something so important to you, with them, before sharing it with anyone else.
Some men, in particular, enjoy it if their wives or girlfriends are virign, because it gives the man a chance to teach her the moves and methods he prefers (without her having to "unlearn" any bad habits).
It's not for everyone, but some people find it special and endearing.
2007-01-26 05:09:49
answer #7
answered by teresathegreat 7
In this modern world Virginity has lost its meaning. In this world every Ad campaign gives you how to have SEX without any Child Birth or Conception, being virgin has become a rarity. Any one if he or she is VIRGIN in the correct meaning of the English word then it can help you to be away from AIDS. VASUSESHA
2007-02-03 00:25:16
answer #8
answered by vasusesha 2
the world doesnt care about virginity anymore becuase they dont see it as an important gift to save for the right person in the future, they just give it up as if its money, havent you heard all about the 13 year old girls just given it up nowadays all becuase their boyfriend wants it bad or they feel the need to give it to their boyfriends as a present or reward, its rediculous, there are not many virgins left on the planet, thats what i believe, most guys dont care if youre a virgin or not just as long as they get some.
2016-03-29 03:37:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is something left over from our Puritan heritage. It really is meaningless. Who cares wether you have had sex or not before marriage. Many religiosn feel that the only reason for sex is to make babies but if you do not believe that than it does not apply to you. It really is a personal decision based upon your own beliefs.
The other side is disease and pregnancy. STDs are everywhere from Herpies to Aids. The only way to not get an STD is not to have sex of any kind, that includes any kind of contact really.
2007-01-26 05:09:37
answer #10
answered by Bob 4
Virginity represents purity, and wholesomeness. Who wants a man, or woman that has been with every person that ever showed them attention? There's a lot more to a virgin, than just never having had sex. It represents a lifestyle!! Clean, pure, and decent!
2007-01-26 05:09:25
answer #11
answered by olderbutwiser 7