The government can see your internet searches on public library computers - hmmmm, well, it IS the government's computer, so I don't think you had a privacy right there to begin with.
If the government is already monitoring a foreign terror suspect's phone calls and you happen to call him or be called by him, the government doesn't have to hang up even though it has no warrant to tap YOUR phone..... They've done this for years and they've always had the right to.
You have to show the bank an ID when you open a checking account and the thresholds for reporting large financial transactions are slightly more inclusive than the ones in anti-money-laundering and anti-tax-evading statutes on the books since the 1960s. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
I can't think of anything else that's actually true that affects our Constitutional rights.
So is this just another made-up attack?
Thought so.
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