I was induced with my first baby. It's safe. They just give you a synthetic version of the hormones your body would produce on it's own to start labor. I only had 2 problems with it: 1.It took forever! They started it on sunday afternoon, and my son wasn't born until late Tuesday morning. 2.Contractions from an induced labor are much worse much earlier than if it occurred naturally. (hurray for epidurals!!)
Alternatives? if you're already dialated some, they can try to strip your membranes or "membrane sweep". This doesn't always work, though. good luck!
2007-01-26 03:43:03
answer #1
answered by Emily H 5
I was induced for 4 out of 5 of my pregnancies. One of them I had been experiencing contractions for a few weeks as well.
I personally never had any negative experiences with induction. If you are having concerns I would definately recommend talking to the doctor so you are more comfortable.
Good Luck and Easy Labor To You
2007-01-26 11:40:47
answer #2
answered by TrishaH 1
You are considered full term right now. I was induced at the begining of my 38th week so you are fine.
I mean it really depends on why she is inducing you. I was induced because i kept having contractions and kept dialating but nothing was getting on a schedule and i was at five and still not having intense contractions, my water wouldn't break and she was afraid i was going to go to fast to make it to the hospital. So she induced me.
What they did to me was had me come in and they broke my water. Then we just waited for the contractions to come. Then they gave me some pictosin the drug your body natural makes to have contractions come in. And they did. It went very fast. Fromt he time i got there and had her it was only \3.5 hours.
It is safe to be induced, as long as you are far enough along which you are.
I mean an alternative would be just to wait it out until it naturally comes but she is inducing you for a reason.
If you don't go into labor before your suppose to get induced, i suggest getting the epidural early because the contractions are much more intense when your induced. I had one natural and one induced...get the epidural.
2007-01-26 11:43:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Induction is pretty safe but remember that even if you are 39 weeks, if your baby/body aren't ready, it may not "take". Typically, the way to induce is as follows. If you're not dilated at all, they give you something called cervadil (or a similar drug) vaginally and it helps dilate your cervix. If you are dilating, they can give you pitocin to help make the contractions stronger. I haven't had cervadil and my dr was going to but I didn't want him to as I was having a VBAC (vag birth after c-sect). Pitocin will make it very intense. I personally had a bad experience with it. It made my contractions very intense and close together but I was dilating as fast.
If you are looking for something more natural, ask your doctor to strip the membranes. It made me go from 4 cm (after laboring all day) to complete (10) in about 2 1/2 hrs!! MUCH more comfortable than pitocin, too. If s/he has tried that and you're dilated ask for them to break your water. The only down side is that you'll want to deliver within 24 hrs to prevent infection. Good luck!
2007-01-26 11:45:05
answer #4
answered by Trouble's Mama 5
It is perfectly safe at this time in your pregnancy. I was induced at 38 weeks for my last 3 pregnancies and will be induced on March 2nd for this one I'm in now. I would suggest though, you ask which method is being used. If you have had kids before, and he plans to use something called Cervadil. Do your research on this product!! I had bad experience with it. A family member and a friend who are both labor and delivery nurses in different parts of the country, said their respective hospitals don't even touch this product.
2007-01-26 11:42:03
answer #5
answered by chicagomommie77 1
Induction is safe. I had one with my first child. The down fall to an induction is that it does increase your chance for a cesarian especially because the contraction come fast and hard and most women will want an epideral. I sure did but I got mine pretty late so it will depend upon your pain level. My son suffered no ill effects from induction and it was fast so I didn't have to labor for too long.
2007-01-26 11:55:50
answer #6
answered by fuzzyfontaine 3
I was induced w/ my first child and it is safe however if there is no medical reason for an induction you can tell your dr. that you would rather wait for nature to take its course and that you want to go into labor on your own. I am sure that you have heard all kinds of ways to go into labor and trust me when I say I tried them all but my first child was induced 10 days after my due date and my second I went into labor on my own while watching t.v. on my due date. So due what feels right to you.
2007-01-26 11:43:42
answer #7
answered by Wendy S 2
Inductions are safe! I have had 2 and me and my children are fine! the only thing that sucks is the pitocen. it helps your labor move more quickly, but the contractions hurt like 5 times worse than normal! don't let them do a c-section unless it is necessary. c-sections are not good for you or the baby! the recovery time is longer and the baby has an easier time adjusting to things when you have it naturally!
2007-01-26 11:42:48
answer #8
answered by jacksonblonde 2
yes it's safe....I was induced and everything went fine.. you are full term so it's not really early!
It was nice because I had originally not wanted any meds I wanted to go naturally, but since I was already induced and had and IV I didn't mind getting the Epidural and my birthing experience was actually very relaxing and nice..
2007-01-26 11:41:01
answer #9
answered by L 3
it is completely safe to be induced(i think) but this website might be able to answer ur question alot better then i can. http://www.rcp.gov.bc.ca/guidelines/Obstetrics/Postterm%20Final%20Master%20March%202005.pdf
2007-01-26 11:44:06
answer #10
answered by kute_regina_gal 4