It's "neoconservative". It covers the rabid right wing politicians that came to power during the Bush's years. They mix religion and politics and in general only serve the interest of the powerful elite, while disregarding the needs of the American People and in general are driving this country into the ground.
2007-01-26 03:36:45
answer #1
answered by stopwar11112 3
NeoCon almost sounds like NeoNazi.
The liberals coined this term to put a negative spin on young people getting into politics who don't go liberal. Traditionally young people getting into politics were recruited by the liberals. Knowing the young is still ignorant and moldable they are easy prey.
Things have changed. In the category of information, the young are growing up faster. The more information you have, the more you become conservative. This outrages the liberals. so they came up with a negative sounding label.
Con's don't call new young liberals NeoLibs. That's because we know they already have a negative label on them......Liberal.
2007-01-26 03:44:43
answer #2
answered by Tropical Weasel 3
According to Irving Kristol, the founder and "god-father" of Neoconservatism, there are three basic pillars of Neoconservatism:
1. Economics: Cutting tax rates in order to stimulate steady, wide-spread economic growth and acceptance of the necessity of the risks inherent in that growth, such as budget deficits, as well as the potential benefits, such as budget surpluses.
2. Domestic Affairs: Preferring strong government but not intrusive government, slight acceptance of the welfare state, adherence to social conservatism, and disapproval of counterculture
3. Foreign Policy: Patriotism is a necessity, world government is a terrible idea, the ability to distinguish friend from foe, protecting national interest both at home and abroad, and the necessity of a strong military.
from wikepedia
2007-01-26 03:38:17
answer #3
answered by Philip McCrevice 7
I would like to add that it seems like the prefix neo is inserted into the term to take a jab at conservatives. They associate neo-con with neo-nazi, since they have similar prefixes. Many people who use the term neocon also compare Bush to Hitler, so it's a terrible attempt to smear the word conservative.
2007-01-26 03:42:31
answer #4
answered by Pfo 7
It is the new wave of conservatives who have left the fiscal conservative beliefs behind and spend like a democrat, but hold social views similar to traditional conservatives, yet they strive to enforce these beliefs and turn them into law, when traditional conservatives believe them to be a personal choice.
2007-01-26 03:38:52
answer #5
answered by El Pistolero Negra 5
One entry found for neoconservative.
Main Entry: neo·con·ser·va·tive
Pronunciation: "nE-O-k&n-'s&r-v&-tiv
Function: noun
1 : a former liberal espousing political conservatism
2 : a conservative who advocates the assertive promotion of democracy and U.S. national interest in international affairs including through military means
2007-01-26 03:44:44
answer #6
answered by 1
It's an absurd expression that is used more as an epithet than as anything meaningful.
Neo = new
Con = Conservative
New Conservative, which is absurd. You're either Conservative which is traditional or you aren't. Traditional is not new.
2007-01-26 03:36:24
answer #7
answered by Linea 3
Anybody who thinks the military should be part of foreign policy "negotiation".
2007-01-26 03:43:09
answer #8
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
It means neo - new --- con- conservative. It is a misleading term that indicates the violent supporters of Zionism.
2007-01-26 03:36:48
answer #9
answered by hasse_john 7
a former democrat
2007-01-26 03:34:43
answer #10
answered by George "W"INNER BUSH 1