Spend less. Lots of people assume that the key to financial sucess lies in earning more but in fact it's spending less. You might think there is nowhere that you can reduce your spending but you would be surprised. Try writing a spending diary. Keep a diary in your bag exclusively to list your spending and write down every penny and I mean every penny down to the last cup of coffee or newspaper. After a couple of months you will be able to analyse your spending patterns and see areas were you can cut back without compromising your lifestyle. If you live in the UK try signing up to http://www.moneysavingexpert.com which is Martin Lewis's website. He has loads of tips on saving money.
good luck
2007-01-26 00:21:48
answer #1
answered by gerrifriend 6
call vanguard on their 800 number, they are a huge mutual fund investment company. let them once a month take money out of your checking account and put it into your investment account. you don't have to know anything at all about investing, they will do all of the work for you. if you do this your whole life you have a very good chance of being a wealthy person some day. and you dont need to know a thing about investing, they do it all for you.
2007-01-26 01:19:10
answer #2
answered by besthusbandever 4
i know exactly how you feel!
if you open a savings account, or even just buy a piggy bank, and each time you get a little money (wether it's £50 or 5p!) put as much as you can spare into it.
it builds up in no time, but you have to be strict with yourself, and go without a few luxury items for a while.
2007-01-26 00:15:59
answer #3
answered by wellymouseface 1
gozaine nailed it with her answer. The spending diary really works if you keep it up because you start to question every purchase. Once you've saved, start investing it. If you're in the US, start taking advantage of things such as a 401(k) or an IRA that will reduce your taxes.
2007-01-26 01:32:38
answer #4
answered by huskie 4
Stop spending!
List all your necessary mortage/rent utitlity bills you have to pay.
Any credit cards/loans.
See what you have left..if it's not enough look for another job!
Consider letting out your home and rent share..
2007-01-26 00:44:07
answer #5
answered by Sani 2
Inheriting it helps. Otherwise there is no sure fire way to get rich quick. Just hang in there, cut corners if you have to, and try to enjoy what you do have. Not what you wanted to hear, I know. Sorry.
2007-01-26 00:17:51
answer #6
answered by ? 4
eat less, sleep more, ride a bike to work, drink water, shop at wholesale clubs, collect cans to redeem, etc
2007-01-26 00:14:51
answer #7
answered by Jim G 7
There are a lot of great work-from-home opportunities to be found at http://thebestfreebies.com/business.htm
2007-01-26 00:14:53
answer #8
answered by chase 1
go to upmarket bars and find yourself a rich fiance
2007-01-26 00:22:29
answer #9
answered by Angelfish 6
Do the lottery, and keep your fingers crossed!
2007-01-26 00:18:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous