Jade Goody found fame on big brother for basically being completely stupid. She played a game of strip poker and ended up naked. The woman though Heinstein (Albert Einstein) was related to Sherlock Holmes. Since then shes released books, weight loss videos and perfumes and made lots of money. She returned to Celebrity Big Brother this year along with her mother and current boyfriend. She didnt get on well with one of her housemates who just happened to be an Indian Bollywood actress. Dont think she ment the remarks she came out with to be racist but thats the way they came across so thats how all the furore bout her being a racist came about. Now shes doing damage limitation by appearing unpaid on chat shows to apologise to anyone she may have offended. Theres also talk of a trip to India where she can publicly apologise to all Indians. Hope this helps and i wouldnt take too much offense at sharing the same name. Jade is a lovely name and its just a pity that its associated with such an idiot as Jade Goody.
2007-01-25 22:56:51
answer #1
answered by kit 5
It all began in the 'Celebrity' Big Brother House.
Jade accused an Indian lady (Shilpa) of lying and there was a huge row. She was right actually but Jade took it too far. They insulted each other and the language was choice. Jade was evicted from house anyway and Shilpa has no idea that the world (!) is talking about it.
Shilpa was asked if she thought the row was racial and she said no. She was also accused of bullying Shilpa, but I think no-one has been bullied or spoken about in such a hateful way in the last five years as Jade has, esp in the last week.
Jade became famous years ago for being in BB she had nothing and is now a millionaire, however she could lose all that now. Silly girl.
By the way Jade is mixed race.
She is suicidal now Shilpa is still in the house trying to win CBB, as they say in Big Brother... 'You decide'........
Jermaine Jackson to win!
2007-01-25 22:49:26
answer #2
answered by Alicat 6
Firstly she became famous for appearing on the normal Big Brother (for her stupidity and for stripping off her clothes). She then went on to make other reality shows of her own and create her own perfume which was selling very well until recently. Following this she was invited, with her family, into celebrity big brother where she talked about an Indian woman with two other girls making some minor but stupid comments that could be seen as racist. Hope this answers your question.
2007-01-25 22:51:00
answer #3
answered by Princesspoison 3
Jade Goody is a foul-mouthed ignorant racist, and a bully.
She grabbed her way to success after appearing on Big Brother 3 and has since been celebrated as one of the most unintelligent people in Britain.
It's not an accolade any 'normal' person would wish to have.
2007-01-25 23:23:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
she is a girl who appeared on big brother 3 a few years ago. she was an uneducated girl with a really bed childhood - she got naked in the house and had oral sex with another contestant. the media hated her and called her names like miss piggy and other really bad stuff. she came out of the house and made millions through publicity like ok magazine and the public took her to their hearts.
now, she went into celebrity big brother with her family and boyfriend, had a huge row with shilpa shetty, in which she did say some awful things- it really was cringeworthy, but she did not say anything racist. two other girls also said bad things some of which were racist and now the media is crucifying jade all over again and making her out to be this vile creature when actually all she did was have an argument. i think its a case of the media over playing things to sell papers.
2007-01-25 22:58:16
answer #5
answered by tra 3
She's a complete dimwit who found fame on Big Brother (not celebrity big brother, the regular one) a few years back, mainly because she said/did really stupid things, and for some reason she became a celebrity for it.
Since then, she's been generated into this huge celebrity figure, thanks to the 'heat' celebrity culture - I guess as a role model for thick people everywhere.
So basically, she's famous for being a complete twit who went on a reality TV show.
Now she's famous for being naive and rude too...
2007-01-25 22:51:16
answer #6
answered by Natalie B 4
jade goody is a former contestant on big brother she appeared in big brother 3 i think , she got the nickname miss piggy and she was loud and a bit dippy which we can all be now and then, she has opened her own salon and done her own perfume. fitness video and so on,i just hope she can fix what she has broken
2007-01-25 22:55:17
answer #7
answered by saj winnie 1
Jade and her pals at the on the spot are not some thing. component is they imagine that through being in that domicile, they're substantial. I cant wait to work out their faces even as they arrive out of the domicile and comprehend that a number of their contracts etc were lost with the aid of stupidity.......then they're going to bypass lower back the position they began and my wager is they're going to under no circumstances come out.
2016-10-16 03:18:53
answer #8
answered by ? 4
she won the big brother show a few years back and managed to stay on our TV screens, she brought out a perfume and was on a show on living TV interviewing for her a p.a. she then went into BB celeb show and managed to anger every one with her racist comments, so now she has no career
2007-01-25 22:53:40
answer #9
answered by angie 5
Jade Goody use to be a blonde.
2007-01-28 17:18:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous