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2007-01-25 21:23:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

By being true to oneself and minding their own business. Treating people equally all the time. Terrorism is a result of anger. Find the cause of that anger. provide therapy, counsiling to heal fellow humans

Countries like you know who... mind their own business and not to go around other developing countries and bomb in the name of anti terrorism them and steal their oil.

world will be such a better place to live in of people were not living a lie. Dont fake anything. Be true to yourself and live honestly

2007-01-25 21:31:15 · answer #1 · answered by crystal 2 · 1 1

Lets get real, you cant stop terrorism, the definition of terrorism has narrowed down after 9/11. There always were and always will be "terrorists' on earth. Are we not all terrorists in one way or the other?. See what terror we are causing our planet?. We pollute when we drive, we damage the fragile eco system when we dont dispose garbage properly, see the amount of non bio degradabale material we use. Just the billions of mineral water bottles that get thrown everyday are enough to ensure that our future generations will never ever get clean water.
Terrorism fundamentally kills innocent people- we are all in one way or the other doing the same thing- Terrorists use bombs, we use our misguided selfishness by not caring as to how much we are damaging our own future. Take a river trip down any Indian river, take a trip to any hill station or beach resort and all you will see is plastic and fumes.
The polar ice caps are melting, the ozone layer is depleteing and we are worried about a few hundred terrorists killing a few thousand people??

2007-01-26 11:46:08 · answer #2 · answered by GN 1 · 0 0

Terrorism cannot be stopped unless the roots of it are addressed. It cannot be stopped by the finest armies as ours is. It is NOT a matter of might, otherwise we would have finished it off by now. It is an Arab right wing reaction to injustice, inequity, humiliation and oppresion. Terrorism is a tactic used by the weak to repel the strong. The Middle East has suffered through a whole century of exploitation by the West (England, France and now the US with the attack on Iraq. Unless the Israeli-Palestinian issue is settled, unless we can get other energy sources so we do not need to meddle in their affairs,(remember the Shah of Iran, our strongman) terrorism will continue to haunt us for decades to come.

2007-01-26 05:36:26 · answer #3 · answered by emiliosailez 6 · 0 0

Heil Bushler, your answer hit the nail right on the head! I wish more people would watch the alternative media like Loose Change, and Info Wars, and Prison Planet, and From Freedom to Fascism, and many others! These films are real eye openers!!! It is really too bad that the mainstream media absolutely cannot be trusted, in any way, shape, or form, because the mainstream media is owned and controlled by the Globalists, who are really running things behind the scenes!!!

2007-01-26 05:45:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

in order to stop terrorism, you have to have gov. that like to push there polices and beliefs on other country's that don't want to believe in that culture, We have an uncanny ability to want to push our policy,s and religion on every other country in the world and sticking our noses where they don't belong!If they need our help ask but other than that we should keep our noses out of others country's affairs, than maybe we would stop being targeted all the time! our own government terrorizes the American people more than any other country has ever tried !

2007-01-26 05:39:39 · answer #5 · answered by TJ 3 · 0 1

Theoretically? You don't. because it is a word to describe an act. In a group like the SS Nazi's or the Stalin Communists? Well you single them out and gather them up and put them in a cell. Trial comes after capture? Or if they are like the ones that attacked the world trade center, and they are dead, you must find their group isolate them and attack because they are not going to surrender? True terrorists are cowards they will use women and children for shields to hide behind. Like Hitler and his buddies in the Bunker and they would rather commit suicide. Or like Saddam when he was on the run he hid in a hole? Their mentality is a thing to study. Crazed and maniacal is their profile. Desparate and cruel, they are incredibly nervous and trigger happy. So they are a dangerous force on a mission. Organized terrorism like those people I mentioned are aggressors, and there is no way to make peace unless you incarcerate them. And that is not possible to do that because we don't have a crystal ball ,and we do not read minds? That is why the word torture came up in recent political talks, to single them out to give up the cells in their organization. They are not like the Mafia though they are not that brave. And when I say that clearly Mafia was an organization for business and money making. They had value to their lives and families. The terrorists do not they have a cause for a fanatical take over. As they said Kill all Americans Rape them Plunder, and Pillage, because they are the Infidel. Instead of Jew hating and making that lame brain excuse they are using an unfounded belief in God. They remind me of the Son of Sam guy? ha ha , They aren't funny but the ha ha was for Irony, blame it on the Devil, blame it on God? Come on? hmmm? But they are willing to die so we are in a catch 22 there. We can't snoop on our own Americans like the tappings and eaves dropping in our postal systems, Americans aren't doing this. That was a New World Order tactic. But to count on our own communities to turn in any suspicious looking characters that are in anyway a hint of a terrorist. And the public needs to help believe me, no excuses either because we don't need Martial Law and we are the people and we need to bare our own arms and that is it. Not that we will shoot them but just think if we were invaded? hmmm what dial 911 or have this country full of the military marching up and down your streets stopping you for your papers? hmmmm? That is wrong and unlawful according to our Constitution.

2007-01-26 05:49:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hon'able Sir, You are one of the best President of India, and what you will say , will be acceptable to World, so Sir please ask the World that we have to make Very Very Strong Law for reducing the terrorism, any political man/party who defends terrorist may be declared at God Father of terrorist and may be banned for life. Terrorist may be hanged before the public after found guilty.

2007-01-26 05:39:10 · answer #7 · answered by Deepu 1 · 1 0

See, in my line of work, you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. -- G. W. Bush, May 24, 2005, Greece.

THERES YOUR SOURCE ...Have you ever been lied to?...then when someone shows you were lied to..you don't continue to believe in that lie ...do you?
Bush lied when he said Congress had the same information that he did.
Bush has stated that Congress had access to all the same information that the White House had. Thus he should not be blamed for making the mistake of going to war. But Bush was briefed many times about the falsehood of the various stories he used to persuade Congress to authorize war.

9/17/04 - In North Carolina, Bush said "And the intelligence I looked at and the intelligence Congress looked at said he actually had them there. So I saw a threat. And I went to the United States Congress and said, we got an issue here that we're going to have to deal with. Members of the Congress of both political parties looked at the very same intelligence I looked at -- the very same intelligence -- and they remembered the same history I remembered, and they concluded that Saddam Hussein was a threat, and authorized the use of force." Ted Kennedy has documented over 100 similar statements by Bush.
10/2/04 - In Ohio, Bush said "So I saw a threat. And I went to the Congress. And they looked at the same intelligence I looked at and concluded Saddam was a threat, and they authorized the use of force." [WhiteHouse]
12/15/05 - Bush has access to much broader ranger of intelligence reports than members of Congress do, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Agency report. The Bush team also has access to intelligence sources and also "have the authority to ask U.S. intelligence agencies more extensively for follow-up information". [KRN]
Bush was informed on 9/21/01 in a secret President's Daily Brief (PDB) that there was no evidence linking the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to the attacks and that there was scant credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda. Congress did not even learn of the existence of this PDB until summer 2004, after the start of the war. Ted Kennedy has been trying to get copies of the PDB's released but Bush will not reveal their contents. [NJ]

the War on Terror will never end, nor is it meant to end. It is designed to be perpetual. As with the War on Drugs, it outlines a goal that can never be fully attained -- as long as there are pissed off people and explosives. The Long War will eternally justify what are ostensibly temporary measures: suspension of civil liberties, military expansion, domestic spying, massive deficit spending and the like. This short-lived moniker told us all, "get used to it. Things aren't going to change any time soon."

2007-01-26 05:29:12 · answer #8 · answered by dstr 6 · 0 0

First kill the top terrorist, their leaders. All people who are spreading terrorism. Then kill the idea of terrorism. Tell people how ugly and harmful terrorism is. Hard work.

2007-01-26 10:18:27 · answer #9 · answered by Jay 1 · 0 1

There isn't any terrorism . terrorist are a kind of resistance , like the french resistance in world war 2 , that are trying to protect their country and honor with violence the same way US entered in iraq . I mean why everyone in america think that terrorist are the bad guy when it's ur goverment that provoked them . todays amercan media are making a propaganda against the islams and terrorists . todays biggest terrorist are USA and Israel .

2007-01-26 05:39:38 · answer #10 · answered by YvesT 2 · 2 0

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