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Let me lay something on you all.
Now, any informed person knows that the muslim nation is in fact one devoted to peace.

And it strikes me funny that in one of the speeches used that was sent by Bin Laden, that was trying to prove how terrible he was....the small piece they used was, we will fight till we send US home...la la la...
but then it also said they
"until they stop killing our women and children"

AH..that was the key point there
And if investigated, one could link the fact that so many atrocities have been at the hands of the U.S., in the manner that U.S. under different administration trained them for a battle then watches them get slaughtered.

So in trying to understand what a peaceful resolve would be, can we try to look into what caused the hatred that causes the terrorist acts?

"stop america from killing our women and children"

2007-01-25 18:58:56 · 10 answers · asked by writersbIock2006 5 in Politics & Government Politics

Its this perception, and blame on America, be it true or not, that motivates them.
So, are we tapping into something here

Is this truly a group of people who seek revenge for atrocities against their own women and children?
rather than just a bunch of terrorists who love to kill?

I think this could be a first stepin understanding our enemy.

Too many people want to believe that these terrorists are nothing more than animals led by instint.
But something drove them into what they percieve as the ultimate sacrifice to display their muslim beliefs.
That implies they are muslim
which implies they do believe in peace.
My arguement is that events have led them to sway from their peaceful beliefs and FORCED them into a fight they cannot turn away from.

And, again, in reviewing the past, one can easily see that US has time and time again formed alliances and broke them while the other party suffered greatly.
Both IRAQ and AFGANISTAN paint the exact same picture

2007-01-25 18:59:24 · update #1

So has it been that america with its brittle allegiances and willingness to turn its back on some coutnries is the real initiator of actions taken upon them?

Former american soldier
Ive earned the right to say what I feel about my own country.
smart enough to see past the smoke screeens many people like to use

2007-01-25 18:59:44 · update #2

Afterall, isnt it better to strive for peace,and the only way we can so thatis to search for the reasons behind what we see?
Until we do that the killing circle will only get bigger and bigger.

2007-01-25 19:03:14 · update #3

Tosee the manifestation is one thing, but to see the cause is quite another.
the ladder brings you that much closer to a peaceful understanding, whereas the first only keeps the bloodshed going.

2007-01-25 19:44:38 · update #4

10 answers

Many falacies that need to be addressed to resolve the problem,
#1 Muslims are not peaceful
#2 US is not democratic
#3 US is Capitalist
#4 US is imperialist, (a requirement to further capitalism)
#5 US will subdue anyone that interfers with 2-4

2007-01-25 20:45:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anarchy99 7 · 0 0

It's true. It was discovered a few decades ago that the oil was diminishing and that made the USA and England very interested in this area indeed. Putting Israel in there as a foot hold - a safe place where they could land, deploy and base from - was crucial. That was cold war time - and the US and USSR was eager to give arms and training to the arab nations for balance of power and alliances - it also helped to keep those nations focused on their survival rather than industrializing and using up that oil.

I know that people feel the US can do no wrong - but I think it is important to look back as objectively look at what our choices have done and our own role in what could be described as our own frankenstein - a monster that could explode at any moment.

Surely one can see how the arab nations would see the US as a negative influence in their culture. We continue to provide arms to arab nations today, in addition to a lot of money for their oil. Unilateral behavior on the part of the US only makes us a more menacing threat as nations wonder who will be next - or gear up to attack us from the other side while we are most vulnerable.

I think that understanding that terrorism is born of desperation is and important step to solving the problem. When people resort to this type of violence it is more than gangs of kids being bored - it is people struggling to survive. It is going to take a diplomatic solution to end terrorism and it will be a Global diplomatic solution - not dictates from the USA.


2007-01-26 03:11:41 · answer #2 · answered by carole 7 · 0 0

With all due respect lets see if I follow this train of thought you are on. The terrorists are just poor misundertood people who need to be shown respect and if we just stop seeking out all their defenless women and children and killing them they will join hands with us in peace and sing we are the world? Well my friend if you can fall for that I have some great swamp land in Florida I will sell you real cheap. I just don't understand this mind set after all the evidence to the contrary. Who flew two airplanes into buildings in New York and killed 3000 innocient people some of those were women and children. Who gets teenagers to strap bombs to their bodies to blow themselves up along with anyone near by including women and children. Who hides behind women and children when on the run from us. why I guess it's those poor mistreated Islamic fundamentilists we rudley call terrorists. These are not muslim people.These are deranged murders who would not think twice about cutting your private parts off and stuffing them in your mouth before beheading you as they did to two of our marines last year. As well as other countless acts of evil. But you believe what ever they say above their actions? We are the evil ones and they are right in their actions because we caused them to be so mean? Get a grip man you are not living in reality.

2007-01-26 03:32:57 · answer #3 · answered by crusinthru 6 · 0 0

Your question raises many good points. Some of the previous answers also have interesting information. I believe that religion is currently being used to incite violence and hatred around the world. If you look at the Islamic faith, the Qur'an, the religion was created 650-700AD. So what came first Christianity or Islam? There is a greater question at work here. Who is it that's wants people to slaughter each other in endless WAR? Who benefits from the propaganda of modern day "Western perception" terrorism?

2007-01-26 03:48:21 · answer #4 · answered by the_end_time 2 · 0 0

Do you really still believe the mainstream media, and the official story? 9/11 was an inside job!!! There is not much more I can say to you right now, except just watch the documentaries, with an open mind, and let the evidence speak for itself!!!

2007-01-26 03:08:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As Pogo once said, "we have met the enemy and they are us."
It takes two to have a fight, and if you no longer want to be in fights, you need to search your own soul.
"Until they stop..." applies to every group and when it stops we might have some peace.
The greedy however will use any opportunity to stir people up for a fight, so we all need to be informed and aware.

2007-01-26 03:16:54 · answer #6 · answered by michaelsan 6 · 0 0

If one truly wants to know how to deal with those that wish to do them harm they have to go beyond learning how to fight their enemy, they have to put themselves in the shoes of their enemy.

I challenge those on the right to ask themselves: What would you be like if you had been born in the heart of Islam?

2007-01-26 03:23:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The simple problems is what went wrong out there in the creation of living human kind into mankind in planet of apes?
Does living human kind know how to create living human kind into mankind with our creator in planet of apes?
Looks like the men who crowned themselves as the men who would be king were making a mess in kicking the butts of our creator in making a monkey out of themselves in planet of apes.
At loss and blurr instead of creating living human kind into mankind as the Son of God in planet of apes.
The were making a monkey out of their own children and created them into people of different races of racism as the Son of a dirty old men living in misery in making a monkey out of them in planet of apes.
at loss and blurr all those monkeys were exposing "The Elders in office were rude ! Children behave with self lack of knowledge in planet of apes.

2007-01-26 04:17:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have answered your own question.
You stop killing too.

2007-01-26 03:08:03 · answer #9 · answered by melbournewooferblue 4 · 1 0

You are and idiot if you believe muslims are peaceful.

2007-01-26 03:08:30 · answer #10 · answered by FU 1 · 0 3

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