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2 answers

Try CBS marketwatch see the link below.

2007-01-25 15:04:14 · answer #1 · answered by momo 3 · 0 0

CNQ is Canadian Natural Resources. They have a large holding in the Oil Sands. This is a great long term investment. To look up the stock, click on the following link, and then enter your symbol:


It will also let you see if other traders hold this stock. The link is from http://www.top10traders.com - this is a free site that lets you create a portfolio of stocks with $100,000 in "play" money. Each day the site ranks the best performing portfolios, so you can see how your picks perform compared to other investors. You can also read posts on investing from the best traders, as well as share your own investing ideas. There is also a charting feature , so you can see how your portfolio performs compared to the S&P 500.

Here are this month's best traders:


Good luck.

2007-01-25 15:57:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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