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2007-01-25 13:40:56 · 37 answers · asked by George "W"INNER BUSH 1 in Politics & Government Politics

37 answers

Because you understand your job and do not put popularity ahead of it.

You made a campaign promise (so did Gore) to finish the job in Iraq that Clinton had failed at. And you go it done.

You promised to move us away from foreign oil dependence - and moved us rapidly towards a Hydrogen future (Google: Bush Hydrogen)

You promised to fix the Clinton Recession when Democrats predicted economic collapse and soup lines. Your tax cuts did the job, taking people off the dole and making them productive Citizens.

Now, if you would just take some serious action on the southern border....

2007-01-25 13:44:53 · answer #1 · answered by speakeasy 6 · 2 16

This is a fine example of unrealistic matters, the main thing we should all remember is that anyone using one ounce of logical thinking skills should agree that if only the Private sector is in charge of dictating to the lower classes how things must be for their own good, this has an almost impossible chance to administer even a small amount of positive change for the good of anyone other that the dictators them selves, these people have never tasted the life that so many of us live on a daily basis, this is where brother bill Clinton had so many of you politicians beat, because he truly lived the life of middle class people and knew just how to help them because they are the majority, they and they alone make or break this country, destroy them and all is lost, so you sir are misleading your self sir.

2007-01-25 14:11:51 · answer #2 · answered by JALISCO 2 · 1 0

Hysterical laughter from everyone who reads it greets this question. The Bush administration has been the most ridiculous waste of 6 years in American history and we have two more to go. What hath God wrought? My God, have you forgotten this country and hate us so much you'd foist this blithering idiot upon us? Comparing the Bush administration to the Clinton administration is like comparing a Ford to a Mercedes. A piece of crap - the Ford; one of the best - the Mercedes. Bush is the Ford, Clinton is the Mercedes. Get the picture?

2007-01-25 14:23:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Hopefully you are joking. However, I will give you this. The economy has stayed on track, and the price of oil has shot through the ceiling. It has caused Ford Motor Company to lay off a lot of people, borrow billions, and reduce the size of their vehicles. I am sure it has lined your pockets with gold, and since you are a Christian, I am sure that you know, "All things work for the good for those who trust in the Lord." However, the Lord, Jesus the Christ also said, "Do good unto those who spitefully use you, and to do so will heap coals of fire upon their heads." That is not what you did to Saddam Hussein.

2007-01-25 13:55:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I would say neither one was successful. Of course Dems say Bill, but they agree with his beliefs and what he did. This applies the other way around. The economy is doing well right now. But we may see adverse effects within a few years. Bigger government is never a good thing. Bush is abusing his power.

2007-01-25 14:39:38 · answer #5 · answered by Rhoda Ro 2 · 1 0

Well if you read Bills accomplishments there arent many.

He did propose dont ask dont tell I guess thats one.

He signed Extraordinary Rendition.
which is sending suspected terrorists to other countries for imprisonment ( yea like abu graib etc.. )

And he initiated the One America plan for encouraging communities to have dialalogue to seek to try to mend racial differences. umm yea.

gas prices were lower.
Thats about it.

Compared to
No Child Left Behind Initiative which Ted Kennedy sponsered.
Medical Savings Accounts
Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act
Job and Growth Tax Relief Act

Lower unemployment rates now than in the 90s.
Stock market doing better now.

2007-01-25 13:59:32 · answer #6 · answered by sociald 7 · 0 2

Yes, more successful at dismantling the Constitution.

Ooops ! In some little room outside of Washington DC another note has been placed in my official government folder.

2007-01-25 14:21:07 · answer #7 · answered by Bad M 4 · 2 0

It's the same exact thing, only different faces on it. Instead of Albright, it's Rice. Both weak women way out of their league not suitable for the job and unable to defend us. At least Clinton was an articulate liar. Bush is an inarticulate liar. We voted for Bush to be an alternative to the socialist dementocats. Instead we got the same thing. The republicans are finish because they violated their voters. Bush is opposite of why we wanted him. He is weak on the board. Weak on immingration. Weak on deportation. Weak on national security. Weak, weak, weak, weak, weak. The man can't not even finish a sentence. What we need is a republician on steroids. One who has a pair and loves this country, not special interest. Screw Iraq, Mexico, N. Korea, and Iran. Put fat tarrifs on all the cheap crap from China. And, much more. If I were president, I would clean this country out like Grant took Richmond. You wouldn't get away with this. Undermining God, flag, country, boards, language, culture, family, cops, and military. All of you smarmy guys. All of you smerky deep pot heads. Everyday driving us crazy projecting pornagraphy. You would get away with this. Your going "tee hee" your dancing on the flag. But I can guarentee you the day will come when you pay for what you are doing to my country. You think your going to get away with this forever. All of you lite in the loafers high faluting foonies. You will pay for this. I don't know when, I don't know how. But, there is a price to pay for what you are doing to this country.

2007-01-25 13:51:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Because you don't follow polls and do what is right, especially when most of the people in the polls, don't understand what's going on in the world.You're also protecting us, and fighting war on their soil instead of ours. Thank you,Sir. Wouldn't it of been nice and a little easier on ya if Bill Clinton did some of this when our embassies were being blown to the moon to go along with the USS Cole attack and the first WTC attack?

2007-01-25 13:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by BAARAAACK 5 · 4 3

I'd expect this from a "mission accomplished" believer such as yourself.

I'd say because you dwell in a land of your own superego. Unfortunately your imaginary "success" is founded on the dead bodies of American soldiers along with countless, women and children. Aren't you proud of the lives you stole...

2007-01-25 13:46:43 · answer #10 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 7 1

Sorry, George, but your administration hasn't been more successful than Clinton's. It has been more excessful than Clinton's.

2007-01-25 13:48:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

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