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Hello. I am looking for a work at home job called "piece work". This job usually consists of putting things together such as necklaces or bracelets.. I would really like to earn extra money, but I stay home with my 3 children. Also if you know another stay at home job please let me know thank you.

2007-01-25 09:24:20 · 3 answers · asked by AnGelOf Hope 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

3 answers

There are three websites that you may consider:

http://www.coolhomejob.com - telecommute jobs listed

http://www.2ndincomejobs.com - a blog that is updated several times daily with telecommute positions

http://www.getpaid2workfromhome.com - no cost and low cost home business ideas.

Everyone wants to make money living in the comfort of their home, but the question that seems to come up the most is how do I get started.
While you sit there and ponder about how to get started, many people write now are making a full stream of income on the Internet. So my answer to that question is simple.


Are you tired of waking up for the normal 9-5 job, that you seem to complain about every day when you come home from a hard days of work? Well starting your home business might be the right solution for you. You can work when you want at your own speed.

I'm not saying quit your day job today and dive right in; take your time as a seed and blossom to a beautiful flower. When you become accustom to the whole concept.
If you have been searching and searching for the best online business, try visiting www.tnt7973.com for a good understanding at what I am talking about.

Make sure that you get the free business newsletter that is offered; this newsletter will coach you into how to start your online business career. You may not realize it yet, but you are about to begin an exciting new lifestyle.


Freedom was a big part into making my home-based decision. The fact that sitting at home taking care of my online business and all family needs was excellent. Where else can you find that kind of job? Work on your own time, and at your own speed. You control the size of your paychecks.

In fact, you control everything.

Don't Be Afraid
(Success is Spelled W-O-R-K)

Take the leap of faith and trust your judgment. A home business might be the solution to your work problems. Stay true to your goals and fight for the prize.



2007-01-26 07:06:19 · answer #1 · answered by jt66250 7 · 0 0

Are you looking for a professional work environment, while making BIG BUCKS. Well we’re looking for self motivated high school, college students and adults.
Appointment setting experience/phone skills are a plus (will train motivated candidates).

All you need is your own toll free number and unlimited long distance. We will provide the rest.

No Money
Contact Joshua

2007-01-29 00:58:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Crafting/assembly work at home jobs available at http://www.wahp.in

2007-01-28 08:35:53 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa W 4 · 0 0

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