Any job interview you go on they want to know that you want to be a part of the company and that you will put in the work it takes to be a successful part of a team. Go to the company website, read as much about the company as you can. Know as much as possible before you go in. That way you can hit specific points. "First off I am very excited to be given a chance to join one of the top companies in the this field in the country. I am looking for growth and the fact that the company had a 54% profit margin over last year speaks to the fact that this is a stong company with a bright future. I like to think have a pretty good future ahead of me as well, so all things considered I would say we are a pretty good fit." That answer is direct, to the point, it shows you took the initiative to learn about the company and did your homework, and you lightened things up at the end with a little joke. Its not an over the top joke, but its just enough that it shows you have a personality and will be easy to get along with. These things matter to employers. Obviously I was using a lot of generalizations and made up numbers, but I hope you get the point I am trying to make. Good Luck!
2007-01-25 09:36:45
answer #1
answered by Tom S 2
Always research the company before you go for the interview. Determine if you share the same goals and values as the company. If so, mention the values and goals of the company that you share.
Another way you can nail an interview is to be yourself (no strecthing the truth ... it is easily apparent!) while at the same time not being too relaxed.
Best luck!
2007-01-25 09:26:45
answer #2
answered by Tony 1
Don't make your answers sound like excusing. Sound firm and definite when you answer something. Sometimes it helps to have a script for questions but I don't recommend that because you might answer some really well, and others you'll look like a deer in the headlights. Do some research on the company before you go, find things that they do that you are interested in. Those people will get ahead in the interview. Also, make sure you make your talents and skills known so they have reasons to select you.
2007-01-25 09:25:47
answer #3
answered by Pfo 7
Nailing an interview is more a matter of being positive about yourself and the work that you will do. You are selling yourself, so you want to express the idea that you are good for the company and you think they are good for you. Tell the interviewer that you are eager to keep the company going in the positive direction it is going in.
2007-01-25 09:25:33
answer #4
answered by fangtaiyang 7
Do your research. Say something that shows you've done your research. Say, I really like your motto which is blah blah blah. Or say when flying on your planes I've noticed that your staff are about teamwork and all your employees are delightful to deal with. Talking with current employees and hearing that they love their job makes me want to be part of this great organization. Making compliments usually scores big points, but be sincere.
Say something that comes from experience or research.
2007-01-25 09:28:30
answer #5
answered by csucdartgirl 7
For interview tips see the following:
Mock Job Interviews -- Includes the job description, a practice question set, answer tips, and interview resources based on actual job openings.
How to Interview -- Offers articles and advice on job interviewing. Interviewing -- A selection of articles from experts about action plans, decoding the inteview process, cheat sheets, body language, and much more.
Yahoo! HotJobs: Interview Tips -- A selection of useful articles, essays, and advice for job-seekers.
Types of Job Interviews -- Brief primer by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D, from Quintessential Careers.
JobWeb: Resumes & Interviews -- Information on resumes and interviews, cover letters, and provides useful links to other sites.
2007-01-25 09:54:17
answer #6
answered by stevie 2
I'd ask them why YOU should work for this company! You thoght it looked promising from the outside, now make them show you why it is!
2007-01-25 09:28:49
answer #7
answered by jacquie 6
i would say that i could be a big asset to this company and think that this company can benifit from me
2007-01-25 09:24:50
answer #8
answered by willy 5