Jon Stewart
2007-01-25 08:11:36
answer #1
answered by Mr nice guy 2U 5
Personally I would prefer to see someone run who has not been an elected official. Perhaps someone along the line of lets say Leee Iaccocca (not sure about that spelling at all) or maybe Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.. Someone who knows how to run a business and doesn't have ties and obligations to special interests.. I would also say that any person who has been elected to an office and is holding the seat should resign to run.. IE Kerry, Lieberman, Clinton, etc... You were hired to be A senator or a congressman or whatever.. You weren't hired to slack off on your job so that you can try for another and if you don't get the other one still have the old one... NOt the way it supposed to work.. at least imho
2007-01-25 16:44:56
answer #2
answered by jeff73160 1
You make a good point--different would be better than what we have now--of course so would a stick of gum running this country!
But, this is a tough question faced by millions of voters. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary or Obama won just because this country is aching for something different--and that's without even understanding their platforms!
The President is mainly a figurehead anyway. He/she/it? is surrounded by a cabinet and congress who are responsible for the majority of action taken in this country. Having a President just gives the American people someone to point blame at when things go awry.
Maybe we should see how Nancy Pelosi runs things as Speaker, and then compare her to Hillary before we vote on a female Presidential candidate... I'm sad John Kerry isn't running again, to tell you the truth. He should have been our president for the past 3 years...
2007-01-25 16:44:23
answer #3
answered by f8_smyled 3
I'm ready for a woman president as well as a president of a different race but someone other than Hillary or Obama. Hillary because she is too liberal, Obama because he doesn't have the experience we need.
2007-01-25 16:17:49
answer #4
answered by JesusFreak23 3
Your line of thiniking is extremely dangerous. The "ready for a change" mentality will drive our country from the frying pan into the fire, if people go running into the arms of liberals.
2007-01-25 16:11:48
answer #5
answered by Joseph C 5
Almost anybody but Hillary, McCain, or Obama. It doesn't matter whether the pres is a woman, black, green or whatever, I want someone with character and values
Hilary is shrill / McCain is a Dem with an "R" next to his name / Obama is a baby politician that has no experience.
I like Tancredo from Colorado - he'll kick butt regarding the illegal alien criminal crisis! Condi Rice would also be great but she's not running. I'd even take Rudy!
2007-01-25 16:14:48
answer #6
answered by Dizney 5
I'm ready for a different party. Both of the Big Two are bloated, corrupt power-whores, who will do anything, and say anything for a vote, just so they can keep ripping us off. What happened to fair elections? They took off, when these two forged their monopoly in the government. The American people will continue to see nothing but Republicans and Democrats for the rest of our days, because of their greed.
2007-01-25 16:18:47
answer #7
answered by sjsosullivan 5
Who for President in '08? Either Condi Rice or Newt Gingrich. I would never vote for anyone based on only their gender or their color. That's just stupid! You vote for the best person. There are conservative black people and liberal black people. There are conservative women and liberal women. Thus any criteria other than holding what I consider to be the best views which will advance this nation are superfluous.
2007-01-25 16:17:44
answer #8
answered by Colorado Guy 1
I would like to see Joe Lieberman as president, eventhough he is neither of a different race or a woman. I have no problem with having a racial president or a woman president. It seems you have a problem with a male president though. Go burn your bra and grow up, we didn't do anything to slow you down.
2007-01-25 16:13:00
answer #9
answered by slov72 2
There's not a very good list to choose from, especially with Condelizza Rice and Rick Santorum not running, so here's my choice: Barack Obama. I still don't know how that guy is a registered democrat! Hillary Clinton and John Edwards don't stand a chance against him!
2007-01-25 16:16:24
answer #10
answered by godlyteengirl 3
I would choose a bar of soap over the one we have now. I am happy he is gone no matter who comes into the mix in 08. Nowhere to go but up, we truly hit rock bottom I think.
2007-01-25 16:15:48
answer #11
answered by paisan_7 6