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I only have 2 PT jobs, and haven't had a decent job w/the hrs. I really need--as it feels like FOREVER now!! Tired of feeling guilty because my husband works so much all the time, and I keep applying for jobs all over the place. It used to be so easy to get work when the economy was a lot better, i mean in a certain way it must've been obviously because there's only 1/5 the ads in the local paper now and for a long time now for work.
anyway, I applied for this job, and was interviewed Tuesday :o) the interview went well and already work pt w/this merchandising co. but there were other interviews......
Please PRAY I hear the GOOD news and I GET it!
Thank u, :o)

2007-01-25 05:49:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

6 answers

I'm pulling for ya, kiddo! If it was meant to be, you will get it!

2007-01-25 05:57:45 · answer #1 · answered by dashel_gabelli 3 · 0 0

Having been there...done that...had 3 part time jobs and a toddler to care for...I can totally sympathize. It takes a lot of stress off when you have a decent job with good hours and hopefully good pay. You can never be sure of your odds when there have been other applicants.

The best advice I ever had in this department was from a janitor... 'Be confident! No matter what the job or how many others' want it. An employer will look at your attitude as much as your skills.'

I wish you a lot of luck and will say a prayer for good news and a good job with it.

2007-01-25 06:03:52 · answer #2 · answered by Pixie Dust 3 · 0 0

The truth is that many interviewers are too cowardly to tell those they have interviewed that they were not successfull at interview. This is the sad fact from many companies these days. But don't despair, just send out your CV to as many companies as you can and attend as many interviews as possible. It will increase your chances of getting work and improve your interview technique. Make sure your CV is fully up to date and really SELLS you as a potential employee. A good CV can sometimes be enough to get you the job. The interview then just becomes a mere formality.

2016-05-23 22:49:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You just have to try your best......the remaining is done by GOD.... If u deserve then there is no doubt u will get the job.....My best wishes are with u

2007-01-25 06:00:57 · answer #4 · answered by ravz 1 · 0 0

I will pray for you.

Did you send out a thank you letter or email and expressing interest in it?

Good luck!!!

2007-01-25 05:57:28 · answer #5 · answered by knightwing992000 3 · 0 0

God be with you

2007-01-25 05:57:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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