First of all, if you haven't done so already, you need to see your doctor to determine why your period are irregular. After this is determined and any treatment given, then you should try and conceive. If you and your partner have been trying for a year or more, then you both need to see your doctors to determine if everything is ok, and possibly be referred to a fertility specialist. Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of your cycle, so for example if you have a 28 day cycle ovulation occurs somewhere around the 14th day. As the egg is only viable for 24 hours, sperm can live for up to 3 days once ejaculated. This means that the best time to get pregnant is 3 days before ovulation, and for 24 hours after. Even if you have a regular cycle, the day of ovulation can vary, and though rare, some women can ovulate more than once during a cycle. There are many ways to tell when you are ovulating. For one thing, your vaginal mucus becomes clear and stringy. Some women also have some cramping and spotting signifying ovulation. If you are tracking your basal temp, your temp spikes. You can also buy ovulation predictor tests at your local drug store. Some women also use an ovulation microscope, in which you test your saliva and it ferns when you are ovulating. Some women also use a combination of these methods, including using certain software to track all your measurements, and it will calculate if you are ovulating. I recommend femta at and ovusoft at These are my two favorites and ones I recommend to clients. And most important relax and try to be as stress free as possible.
2007-01-25 05:44:24
answer #1
answered by Nurse Annie 7
Every facet of your life will affect your ability to become pregnant. A good start is eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, get rid of the uppers (caffiene products, sorry), and try to be as stress free as possible. I've also noticed that most women get pregnant when they aren't really trying. So, I would do what I said above but also not to worry about it too much. Trying during your ovulation period of course will definately be a big boost in your efforts. Good luck!
2007-01-25 06:10:14
answer #2
answered by Andi 2
Ummm....if you know you are ovulating right now, then you also know that is the best time to try and conceive.
Will you? Who knows. Some women try for YEARS and even doing everything they can, they can't get pregnant. And some women can take 2 types of birth control at a time, and still get pregnant.
2007-01-25 05:43:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
with such an irregular cycle there is no defanite way to tell for sure, but i will say that if you are ovulating of having a period you can get pregnant. depending on haw important it is go and see a fertility clinc to see what the best options are for you! good luck
2007-01-25 06:19:02
answer #4
answered by Lillian S. Phx Arizona 4
You need to learn NFP (Natural Family Planning). NFP is perfect for women who have very long or very irregular cycles.
NFP classes teach you how to avoid or achieve pregnancy, as you choose. By recording your symptoms you will first determine if/when you ovulate. The rules of NFP will tell you when to have intercourse to maximize your chance of conception based on your chart.
Links below for futher info on NFP:
2007-01-26 02:27:19
answer #5
answered by mary4882 4
it took me 9 months to become pregnant and i miscarried. if you know for sure when your ovulating then your doing it right. i was told to count 14 days after u first start your period. so i played it safe and made sure between day 10 and 17 we were trying consistently! don't give up!
2007-01-31 04:17:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
hunny I will tell you right now the best thing to do it to go to your local walmart or your local walgreens cvs store and get an ovaltions test...Or another thought would be when GOD wants you to have a kid he will and that is when he things that you are ready...sweetie just take your time and it will came along maybe not as fast as you want it to but everything takes times
2007-02-01 11:40:36
answer #7
answered by Eclipse 1
the fact that you dont know when your next period is going to be i would say to have sex every other day. (with the same man of course) this gives him time to build up sperm to ejaculate into you increasing your chance to get pregnant. every day is to often for the man to build up a good enough amount of sperm to give you a good chance to get prenant.
2007-02-01 17:36:33
answer #8
answered by canadien2010 1
Pray. Good Luck Sara.
2007-01-25 05:45:08
answer #9
answered by Bobby K 1
well go ask your doc. when your going to be in a position to where it would be a good time to try for a baby.
2007-01-31 16:44:20
answer #10
answered by luvmattledbetter 1