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ABC News, a Liberal bastion, admits that religious conservatives give much more to the poor than the selfish, Liberal Democrats who just want communism. Also, Liberal Professor from Syracuse shows that religious Conservatives are far more giving.

Try actually doing some research and look it up. It's time for you selfish ingrates to start giving back.

2007-01-25 04:58:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

19 answers

It's unfair to paint Liberals as selfish or not caring about the needy because they do.

I WILL say that Democrats tend to only pay attention to Black groups when they need their votes only, but to say they don't care about that is somewhat childish.

2007-01-25 05:03:07 · answer #1 · answered by Mr. Info 3 · 3 4

Yes - it's true religious people - not necessarily conservative religious people give more to charity than do any other group. This is the only quantifiable research that has been done recently.

But questions remain - what was the split between conservative and liberal or moderate churches?

Why was the study done only as blue vs red states as the basic criteria? Why not individual charity by self claimed conservative or liberal?

Why was the study done by a conservative writer employed by the Wall Street Journal?

Why has the government not released it own set of data? They have the information but it isn't published.

One study does not a canon make.

2007-01-25 05:13:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You're not telling the whole story, and you know it.

Liberals support funding of housing programs in which the poor pay a fraction of rental charges.

Liberals have also traditionally supported welfare to give the poor a chance to pay their bills.

Liberals use taxpayer money on homeless shelters.

Liberals also value the importance of a job. They question how a poor, uneducated and inexperienced person can get a job without education and job skills. Hence, they fund grants for college and job training programs.

THIS liberal gives generously to local shelters and food pantries. THIS liberal is happy to volunteer time to tutor children with poor study skills and academic problems.

What are YOU doing?

And Deuce...just fffffffade away, would ya? Your responses are vapid.

2007-01-25 05:37:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

So, because two conservatives say that the cons give more money than the liberals, that makes it so?

Try actually doing some research and look it up. Watching two people on the news for five minutes does not equate to doing research.

2007-01-25 05:17:34 · answer #4 · answered by jelay11 2 · 2 1

How about it is the small liberal business owner who provides work for the poor and opportunity to advance that must pay the heavy taxes imposed by the fascist republican opportunists who give back so little . They take from the working man 365 days a year and if you think for one minute cutting a check to a charitable foundation that their wifes and lawyer friends operate and collect healthy pay from is anything more then a loophole to avoid taxes you have totally lost your mind . Liberals make a daily impact and contribution the the poor and those in poverty to correct the inbalance of wages and wealth distributed up the ladder rather then to those who work to provide so much for all Americans . I have often admitted to some liberal points of view but am truly a conservative who wants taxes and government control off my back . The burden of turning a profit for corporate America and the elitists employed in our billion dollar so called private defense contracting industry is straining the American workers paycheck to the breaking point and beyond . You can not give back what you have stolen from the people with their own money and call it a donation .

2007-01-25 05:14:12 · answer #5 · answered by -----JAFO---- 4 · 1 3

The scenerios you're speaking about are not the norm of the commonplace public welfare gadget. human beings have made putting their hand out for the authorities to grant, supply, supply as their job. Welfare change into meant to help the human beings you talk of. yet as with all different authorities application many human beings abuse this gadget which causes a commonplace distaste and the humiliation that troublesome operating human beings experience even as they're down on their success and opt to ask for help. i have not heard of one difficulty the position the authorities has advised someone no around the following. and also you're top so some distance because the minority element is going. the probabilities are larger for whites than the different minority. I say welfare reform to get rid of all people in spite of race off welfare and use it for what it change into meant for decrease than.

2016-10-17 03:20:07 · answer #6 · answered by hocking 4 · 0 0

Of course the Liberals don't. their whole agenda is for the government to get more involved in everything. If they had their choice, they would have the government wipe their tushies as well. Liberals don't care about what is going on. All they know is what others tell them. And all they know is a republican is the president, they aren't getting what they want, so they spend all their free time trying to figure out ways to bash the president. I can be a Liberal too. Watch.

9/11- Bush's fault, not the terrorists.
Iraq, Bush's fault, not Saddam.
Sectarian violence in Baghdad, Bush's fault, not the Iraqi government.
Katrina, Bush's fault, not FEMA.
A stronger homeland security, Bush's fault.
Elections for the first time in the history of Afghanistan and Iraq, Bush's fault.
Governments in Afghanistan and Iraq based off of democracy, Bush's fault.
Iran is in pursuit of Nuclear weapons, Bush's fault.
Korea is in possession of Nuclear weapons, Bush's fault.
Extremists hate America, Bush's fault.
The vice President's daughter is lesbian, Bush's fault.
Taxes are down, Bush's fault.
Everyone isn't wealthy, Bush's fault.
The reason we wipe our own tushies, Bush's fault.

Hmm, let me see, can't think of anything else that's Bush's fault. Maybe that's cause I'm really not a Liberal.

2007-01-25 05:17:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Do you believe everything you here on ABC news. I mean, last week you were complaining about the liberal media and in particular CBS and ABC and how liberal they were.

Here's the real answer to your question. I belong to a liberal church in a predominately very conservative area in southern California. Our tiny little church has done more for the needy than any conservative church in the same county per capita of members. I suggest you do your own research before you start PREACHING to liberals.
And, as a liberal church we don't require the needy to sit in a 3 hour serman railing against those needy telling them how sinful and debauched they are like the so called "compassionate" conservative does, which by it's very name is an oxymoron.

2007-01-25 05:05:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

The studies also showed that it had nothing to do with wealth. When adjusted for level of income, poor conservatives gave more than any liberal demographic also.

Also, to head off any rebuttals, the results were the same when gifts, tithes, and offerings to Conservative's churches were removed from the equation.

Why don't you people research it before giving a thumbs down? Turns out hes right. Just read "Who Really Cares", by Arthur Brooks a Syracuse University professor.

2007-01-25 05:04:59 · answer #9 · answered by Time to Shrug, Atlas 6 · 1 4

I would think that deeply religous people of any politcal strain would give more than the rest of us. And the idea that liberals want communism, as well as your syntax, speaks to a very primitive mind.

2007-01-25 14:33:59 · answer #10 · answered by mark r 3 · 0 0

Many of them justify it by claiming that they support the governmental welfare programs. They seem to have missed the fact that the so called "Great Society" experiment of LBJ was a horrible failure. Forced redistribution of wealth by the government does not work.

Paying taxes is not the same as donating time or money to charities. In their mind it is.

2007-01-25 06:36:16 · answer #11 · answered by C B 6 · 0 2

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