The condemnation of gay men and lesbian women by the church, is destroying - literally - the worth of millions - again literally - of homosexuals by robbing them of all self-esteem, forcing them to live in closets in constant fear that will be found out, driving them out of churches they have grown up loving, keeping them out of our churches where they might hear the gospel, and driving them to suicide.
I don't believe the church wants to do these things. The church condemns homosexuals because a common interpretation of the Bible is that the Bible condemns them.
The truth that this is not so can be found, I believe, in laying all interpretation aside and examining facts that can be accepted by anyone as truth.
Same-gender sex was practiced, particularly in Bible times, by people who unquestionably were heterosexual.
Much of this practice had little to do with sex. It originated in the low and often despised place of women in the culture. If a man had a grudge against another, if he could subdue the begrudged, he would rape him, thus reducing him to the place of a woman. When an army conquered another army or besieged a walled town until it capitulated, the conquering army (at least 90-96% heterosexual) degraded all their captives or the men of the town by raping them. Sex was incidental; heterosexuals, certainly, and homosexuals, possibly were degrading and humiliating people they despised. We need to examine the Bible passages referring to those practicing same-gender sex for evidence of any identity of sexual orientation.
The Sodom Story - Genesis 19
Many use this story to condemn homosexuals, saying the mob at Lot's door wanted to "know" his male guests, i.e., to have homosexual sex with them. The scripture tells us "all the people, to the last man, [my italics] surrounded the house." (RSV) If current percentages prevailed, at least 90% of these men were heterosexual.
Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 - 22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination. 13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination, they shall be put to death.
There is no indication of the orientation of the persons performing the act.
Romans 1:26,27 26 . . . women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men . . .
Paul here explicitly speaks of heterosexual women and men who gave up natural sex (i.e., sex with the opposite gender) and exchanged it for same-gender sex. "The persons Paul condemns are manifestly not homosexual . . . Paul [discussed] only homosexual acts committed by heterosexual persons."
I Corinthians 6:9; I Timothy 1:10
Two Greek words, malakoi and arsenokoitai, are translated by some as "homosexual." The first, found in the Corinthian passage, means "soft"; the KJV translates it "effeminate." The second, found in both passages "meant 'male prostitute' until well into the fourth century." There is no indication of orientation (nor of homosexuality).
(1) We cannot equate same gender-sex with homosexuality.
(2) Except in Romans 1, the practice of same-gender sex could have been by either heterosexuals or homosexuals. If we do not know which is referred to, we cannot say the Bible condemns homosexuals.
The Bible does not discuss what moral sex is.
The Bible condemns in some places opposite gender sex and in some places same-gender sex. We know that not all opposite gender sex is condemned.
If the Bible's condemnation in some places of opposite-gender sex does not mean all opposite-gender sex is condemned, we cannot say that the Bible's condemnation in some places of same-gender sex means all same-gender sex is condemned.
The meaning of any scripture is the meaning in the mind of the writer when he wrote it.
We cannot always be certain of what the writer meant, but if there is something the writer could not have known, we can be certain he did not mean that something. No Bible writer could have talked about electricity; it wouldn't be discovered for hundreds of years. No Bible writer could have talked about homosexuality; it wouldn't be discovered for hundreds of years.
Until the 19th century, when the word "homosexual" was used for the first time, everyone understood that everyone was erotically attracted to people of the opposite sex. Until then, those were the only kind of people the Bible writer-or anyone else-could talk about. The writer knew of persons practicing same-gender sex, and some of these could have been homosexual. But in the writer's mind, they were all heterosexual with some choosing to practice same-gender sex.
So when a Bible author writes of same-gender sex, it can refer only to these people who are (what we would call) heterosexual. Same-gender sex between two heterosexuals undoubtedly would be lustful. Lust is always condemned by the Bible. We would expect the writer to condemn same-gender sex by heterosexuals.
If no Bible writer could have said anything about homosexuality, gays or lesbians, or anything they do, nothing in the Bible refers to homosexuality, gays or lesbians or anything they do. Every reference to persons practicing same-gender sex is to heterosexuals.
Some may want to believe that the Bible condemns the act of same-gender sex regardless of whether it is by homosexual or heterosexual persons.
Ethicists remind us that only people have morality, only people are moral or immoral. Not words, not acts. We commonly speak of good or evil acts, but it is always figurative (as frequently used in this writing) for the good or evil is in the mind and heart behind the act, and we must separate the person from the act. Pointing a gun and pulling a trigger is an act without morality. It is the person who is possibly murdering, exercising self-defense, putting a suffering animal to sleep, having target practice. All acts, including all sex acts, heterosexual or homosexual, in themselves, are simply acts, without morality.
The Bible tells us, "God looks on the heart." He judges hearts, not acts. God judges people. When the Bible talks about "good" or "evil" acts, it is talking about people.
If no sex act, in itself, heterosexual or homosexual, has morality, we cannot judge or condemn the act of same-gender sex, per se.
If the Bible is silent about homosexuality, perhaps we can find the answer to the morality of homosexual sex from the principles of the Bible.
God's judgment of sexual practices is based on love or lust in the minds of those engaging in the sex.
Lust is always condemned.
From much evidence there can be no question that gay men and lesbian women cannot love someone of the opposite sex but can and do love their partners just as fully in every way as married partners love their spouses.
If God is love, loving acts are God-like, heterosexual or homosexual.
If God looks on the sex acts of gays and lesbians and finds love in their hearts, those acts are moral and blessed by God.
No Bible interpretations that are divisive are included in the above. If these five conclusions are indeed based on facts commonly accepted, the church can and should welcome gays and lesbians to full fellowship and affirm them as other members can be in any position in the church. The church would be particularly blessed; psychologists tell us and practical evidence shows us that gays and lesbians have gifts and potential often greater than that of most heterosexuals.
And the terrible, indescribably wrongful and hurtful condemnation by the church of these children of God would be no more. Sagacious Will Campbell observed that [denominations] have apologized to Blacks for our treatment of them in history. Then he said, "some day we'll apologize for what we are doing to gay and lesbian Christians and non-Christians. But not yet, for we ride the waves of culture." God, hasten the day!
2007-01-25 04:31:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Depends on who you ask, the dead, as a rule, remain silent about the next life. However, anyone with the brain of a goose would realize that torturing someone for eternity (think about what eternity means, seriously stop for minute and think of the enormity of that word) for something they did during a measly 80 year lifespan (give or take) would be evil in the extreme.
2016-03-29 02:05:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
God is forgiving if you do not use him, the devil(if you belive in this) does this to separate you from God. I say to all christians and nonchristians who judge gay and lesbians LOVE THE PERSON, HATE THE SIN. Just because the sin is terrible does not mean the person is. If you are a chiristian you know you should not judge, though we are not perfect, but we can try to do the right thing, if we are not judging we can be helping these people with what is happening to them. It is a hard topic for everyone we can thank the devil for this.
2007-01-25 04:48:20
answer #3
answered by Christian 1
From a religious perspective sin is sin. No sin is greater or less than any other. And as all people sin on a daily basis heaven would be a lonely place if they were not allowed entrance. If you are repentant of this sin prior to your death, then no you will not be going to hell.
However, this is truly speculation. The lords mind is his own and no-one can predict his judgements or ability to forgive.
2007-01-25 04:36:57
answer #4
answered by battledoc 2
everyone sins and sins can be forgiven, being a mean person is not an excpetion, hating your math teacher is not an exception, sexual sins are not the exception. There is tons and tons of amazing grace that can be had. Some God sized problems like sex need a God sized answer and love and understanding and you can find it
when a person holds onto a sin so much they wont let go and come to God finding forgiveness because they love the sin more than God... that is what lands a person in hell
can be greed, meaness, sexual misconduct...
and people can be forgiven of all these things as well.. once someone dies... all these forgivable sins become unforgivable and the oportunity to repent and be healed is over and one goes to God to either enjoy him as part fo His family, or to live in regret
2007-01-25 04:33:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Sleep? No, have sex with them? Probably. Remember, it isn't the temptation that condemns you, it is the act. I know someone who relishes really rare meat, but is a member of PETA. It isn't the carnivore in him, it is the treatment of animals butchered for food that prevails in his thoughts. That a person has desires for someone of the same sex is not the sin, carrying out the desire does it. The same for me, a heterosexual. If I do it instead with someone of the opposite sex, but she isn't my wife, then I'm in the exact same boat as two guys doing it, or two girls, because I'm still wrong. It isn't the desire, it is the deed.
2007-01-25 05:51:40
answer #6
answered by Rabbit 7
That would actually depend on what religious sect you follow. Assuming you are Christian I can assure you that in the new testament Jesus states to someone that all you have to do to get to heaven is believe in him and follow the 10 commandments. I did not see ant commandment against being gay.
2007-01-25 04:47:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
We are all sinners in need of repentence that why Jesus died for our sins so that we will have a way to excape hell through the blood that was shead for us that we may be washed of our sins,Thats why God is a Loving God that he sent His only Son to die in our place so that we may be set free,but we must repent of our sins and turn away from those things,To answer your question No as long as your alive you still have a chance to turn away and to live right before God.As a christain we are called to love everyone just as Jesus loved everyone, but He always gave people options to turn away it is your choice.Good question I hope you find your answer.
2007-01-25 04:43:58
answer #8
answered by Smiley 3
I wouldn't mind going to hell today seeing I am from WI and I'm freezing. But to answer your question I am sure that people who are gay do not end up in hell just because they are gay. We are born that way which means we are created that way.
2007-01-25 04:36:28
answer #9
answered by Scully 6
no you are not condamned, Sodom and Gomorrah where in the old testament. the city was destroyed by God himself because the people abandoned him and was faithless to God. homosexual is a sin however it is a habitual sin so if you are a christain you can repent for it and God will forgive u even if the church disowns u, but you have to dedicate everything you have to God and allow him to change you.
2007-01-25 05:11:46
answer #10
answered by legionofshadows 2
"Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgement (Matthew 5:22)."
Hatred of a neighbor is to deliberately wish him evil, and is thus a grave sin (CCC 2303 and Galatians 5:19-20).
We all sin everyday, "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained" (John 20:22–23). This means that the apostles and their successors, the priests and bishops of the Catholic Church, can forgive sins in Jesus’ name
Although it remains to be determined if homosexuality is a genetic, social or personal stigma, homosexual acts are condemned by God and can NEVER be approved by the Church (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Genesis 19:1-29, Romans 1:24-27 and CCC 2357). If homosexuals are born with the condition, then they are called to live a life of Christian purity and chastity for the greater love of Christ. Such people can experience a life of trial, which all others must treat with compassion and sensitivity.
2007-01-25 04:41:29
answer #11
answered by sweet_treat101 3