I think its like playing cards you only have so many in your hand, till the next time you play.
2007-01-25 03:38:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think they are geniunly the best fit for the Democratic nominee's regardless of color or gender. With that said, being a Woman or a Black man running for President will definately get votes based soley on that (which is a shame).
2007-01-25 11:39:03
answer #2
answered by Mr. Info 3
Actually, I think your question is, well... "stupid". However to provide you with some thought... consider this. It would really be interesting if the Republicans could get Condi to run. Hey, if she won she would then be both, the first black (African American) and the first woman (Female) to be our President. Personally, I think she would do an excellent job considering her exceptionally high IQ enhanced by her "common sense".
2007-01-25 11:47:13
answer #3
answered by KnowSomeStuff 2
I am hoping for a better option. I have voted Democratic in year's past but if a good Republican runs, I would vote for them. Someone decent that cares and is intelligent.
2007-01-25 11:45:38
answer #4
answered by Lou 6
I'm sorry but what's the assumption you're making in your question?
That a black man or a white woman are not capable of being president???
2007-01-25 11:41:20
answer #5
answered by Dastardly 6
Yes, they want to be in power. Being a female or Black is an asset.
2007-01-25 11:40:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Not too clear on your question, but it sure sounds like you're saying that a black man nor a woman is a good choice for president.
If so, your rock is calling you.......
2007-01-25 11:48:24
answer #7
answered by Jake 4
I believe Steve C got that backwards... women and minorities will vote for Democrats.
The Dems. historically pander to women and minorities with unchecked welfare programs. Welfare checks do NOT say welfare on them, in case you did not know. A welfare check is any check you get from the govt. for money or food that you did not pay into or have to pay back.
Republicans pander to the rich and big corps. But typically reduce taxes, on everyone. Why should someone that is wealthy be taxed more? Is that really fair? Besides I have worked for several rich people but never been employed by someone that was poor or barely getting by.
2007-01-25 11:47:27
answer #8
answered by e.sillery 5
What I have a problem about is "the content of thier characture".
Not race,not gender.
I for one for one would love to see Elizabeth Dole and Colin Powell
2007-01-25 11:47:53
answer #9
answered by FOA 6
Seen HClinton's Socialistic ideas on childcare and heard ofObamas connection with Muslim heritage, if that's their best--NEXT!
2007-01-25 11:42:29
answer #10
answered by spareo1 4