from the answers they have given you it seems that they need to go back to school and stop watching fox.
2007-01-25 02:54:27
answer #1
answered by sydb1967 6
They have never really grown up. They have the mentality of a child. They are selfish, and want all the money for themselves ( screw the poor people ). They are aggressive ( so and so country makes me mad, let's attack). They can't separate fantasy from reality ( I'm going to heaven ). etc.
They need to get educated. They need to study logic, economics, sociology, history, math, etc. Unfortunately they want to be irresponsible children all their lives, while they continue to drive up the national debt and make enemies.
What's really scary of course, is that they have children themselves. So the cycle continues.
2007-01-25 10:54:47
answer #2
answered by Count Acumen 5
Because we were taught in public schools run by Libtards?
2007-01-25 10:51:14
answer #3
answered by Gunny T 6
My question is why are so many of the ones on here so damn judgemental? Neither party is perfect and it's so stupid to be insulted just because of the party you belong to.
2007-01-25 10:46:00
answer #4
answered by Tiacola Version 9.0 7
we are not but you are seeing how you dont understand the questions we ask
2007-01-25 10:53:59
answer #5
answered by jared 3
why do you support things that are just plain digusting. same-sex marriage, i mean come on!!!!!!
beside we are not the ones with a donkey as a mascott.
2007-01-25 10:47:50
answer #6
answered by i totally agree with you!! not 3
Seems they are too stubborn to admit that they are bull headed.
2007-01-25 10:46:09
answer #7
answered by MarauderX 4
Fox news is the only unbiased news show...
I think, once again my liberal friend, you are somehow confused about truth vs fiction...
2007-01-25 10:44:10
answer #8
answered by badneighborvt 3