LOL - I love your jokes and how you try to keep your stuff light and entertaining.
Liberals take POLLS to see how they should "feel" and depending on the day - they have a different opinion on issues.
BUT on the really important stuff, they ALWAYS want to kill babies and tax the successful more than the lazy.
2007-01-25 02:45:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The liberals are so unpredictable because they have double standards for themselves and the rest of society. It's the whole, "Sally likes tea, but hates to drink." thing.
Liberals embrace all religions, but hate Christianity and Judaism.
Liberals abhor scandals and cover-ups when its a Republican or Independant, but gladly cover-up their own wrongs.
Liberals hate government spending, but have the biggest projects that require the most money.
Liberals hate big corporations, but do the most to squash the little guy by creating giant taxes and tarriffs that put the little guy out of business, leaving room for the big corporations.
Liberals detest sending jobs overseas, but support the illegal Mexican workforce in the United States, which gets rid of American jobs.
Liberals love the environment, but authorize clear-cutting, trash-dumping, and other destructive habits when they can benefit from it (mainly through funds they receive by the cutters and dumpers).
Liberals support our troops, but do everything they can to cut military spending, which endangers our troops (like with body armor, detection devices, and better transports).
Liberals support leaving Iraq, but when we went in, they were all for it.
Liberals are against abortion, yet have no trouble signing it into law.
Liberals support the United States, but can't think of anything good about it and would rather import ideals of other countries, such as the Spanish language, Shariah Law, European taxes, and Canadian medicare. I could go on all day.
Liberals are the ultimate hypocrites of the world. If you have any more questions, or require any proof of any of my above statements, please feel free to ask.
2007-01-25 10:47:57
answer #2
answered by Ryan B 4
Just like conservatives, some are and some are not. Politics is a dirty business, and I have not seen yet anybody in this business who is completely clean.
2007-01-25 10:46:51
answer #3
answered by paloma 3
To me liberals are very predictible, they all hate America, the president, and the troops. Just look at the "brilliant" questions posted by the libs today.
2007-01-25 10:40:27
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Who do you define as a liberal? Seems like anyone who doesn't agree with the current administration is classified as one.
Ah, how silly.
2007-01-25 10:40:58
answer #5
answered by 3
It's not just liberals, it's people, all of them. People are increadibly random.
2007-01-25 10:39:43
answer #6
answered by elmechino 4
You can make all the jokes you want, but Hillary will still be president in '08.
2007-01-25 10:39:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Why do people try to seperate the country even more, instead of trying to bring it together.
2007-01-25 10:39:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Cause they are sick and keep forgetting their meds. My buddy is bi-polar and when he forgets his Lithium, he freaks out on me at the slightest thing.
2007-01-25 10:37:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Grow up. I can't believe how many people on here generalize and stereotype.
2007-01-25 10:37:25
answer #10
answered by Tiacola Version 9.0 7