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My co-worker lies about her hours. Should I report her? My boss even gives her paychecks in advance, lends her money, and even accommodated her with a place to live while she was homeless for a little while. I get along with her, but the company is pretty lenient. I just think it sucks for my boss because he is losing money. We both work pretty independently and I only notice these things because I make the work for her. My boyfriend said my boss will find out sooner or later, but it's been quite some time. Should I let him know?

2007-01-25 02:28:38 · 2 answers · asked by Noneyabusiness 4 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Actually oj_livefr..., my boss has been complaining about her a lot. It's just that he is new on owning a business and doesn't know how to handle employees. He is taken advantage of a lot. He is too afraid to be assertive. That is why I am wondering if I should tell him about this employee instead of letting him be a doormat. But you are right, I should look out for myself first. I wouldn't want her to lie about me next.

2007-01-25 04:01:38 · update #1

2 answers

It sucks for your boss that someone he trusts is sticking it to him. However, unless what she's doing is affecting you (your check, your hours, etc.), I would keep your mouth shut. Why? Because it sounds as if your boss favors this woman, perhaps over you. If you report her, he is likely to take her side over yours, unless you have irrefutable proof. Even then, he may decide to forgive her transgressions. Reporting her will put you in a very difficult position and may cost you your job. It's not right for her to get away with this, but sometimes you have to look out for your yourself before you look out for others. This doesn't mean you need to cover for her though. Don't do work that has been assigned to her, and see if you can get your boss to visit your office during a time when she says she's around but isn't. He will find out he's being "taken" eventually...

2007-01-25 03:12:47 · answer #1 · answered by oj 5 · 1 0

I would agree with your boyfriend....he will find out sooner or later, or possibly never. But what if you present this to your boss and he presents this information to the other co-worker do you honestly think she will say that she is adjusting her hours. And then it will be your word against hers, and then cause a very ackward situation. Unfortunely you will find alot of things that are not fair in a business, but usually people that are like this will be discovered sooner or later.

2007-01-25 11:01:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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