There are several books located at your local book store you can purchase. Most are under $20.00. Just check out the real estate section of the book store, or ask the clerk where you might find them.
One that comes to mind is Buying, Fixing and Flipping
You might also purchase one of the TV guru's TV program. These programs will give you legal forms that you might use when making an offer to potential clients. Another thing is they give you a formula for you to determine if you have a deal and how to structure a deal so you will know if you have a deal or not that you can make money. They also have scripts that you can use when you find potential clients.
I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.
2007-01-25 02:52:51
answer #1
answered by Skip 6
Right now, your big issue is communication. Don't get married until you have that sorted out, because it will get worse. You both need to get together on a financial plan that you both are very comfortable with. Buying a house is often wise, but not as wise as realtors and banks would have you believe. My house has gone down in value about 20% in the last couple years due to the lousy market. You guys have to be on the same page, or you will fail. Most people are too dreamy eyed before marraige to see it, but it happens all too often. OTOH, you should consider buying a house as it can be lucrative if he is as good as you say at fixing them up.
2016-03-29 01:53:21
answer #2
answered by ? 4
this old house has excellent ideas and tips on house problems and fixes,and you may also find TLC flip that house show help full.
Or if there is a Lowes store or Home Depot near you they also have books,magazines and advice:)
2007-01-25 02:39:19
answer #3
answered by Liddy 4
No books, but I find alot of good tips in the This Old House magazine.
2007-01-25 02:32:08
answer #4
answered by Jessy 4
Me to.
2007-01-25 02:31:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous