Brits don't see much of the enemy.
2007-01-25 00:23:24
answer #1
answered by I'll Take That One! 4
What you are describing has occurred in every war with every nation, where the equipment has had failure and lack of performance (the M-16 in Nam, which with out doubt cost G.I. lives, the poor armour vehicles of WW 11 etc.). I am very sure that their is no intention of causing British casualties but again " Friendly Fire " is another every war problem. Of course the Military and Government NEVER wants the public to know about these issues...especially the politicians.
2007-01-25 00:33:44
answer #2
answered by ramarro smith shadow 4
Now I am not trying to justify the deaths as meaning less and claim they are not tragic, however... Accidents happen.
Operation Cobra in ww2, hundreds of Americans were killed by American bombers who were bombing German lines, including the death of the highest ranking American general to in the whole war. Was it intentional? no, it was an accident, the German lines were indistinguishable from the air.
No mater how "Trust worthy" technology or intelligence is, there is always going to be errors.
Yes it is tragic, but considering the situation, it is more surprising that more "friendly fire" incidents don't happen.
remember in march 2003, a British Challenger tank was fired on by another tank in its Unit.... Killing 2 and injuring 2. Is that saying British tankers are underskilled? No, it was an accident.
it is a tragedy, but accidents happen. That's a part of life.
2007-01-25 00:42:30
answer #3
answered by Stone K 6
Because we allow it. In reality the power lies with the masses people. Numbers rule the universe. 250 million is GREATER than 50 million every day 'til Sunday. But that 250 million has been cleverly deceived &/or misdirected by the 50 million who know of the 250 million's true power. That is the theme of world history in every country in the land that has ever existed. The few, the elite outwitting/confusing the masses. Individuals in that mass figure it out but they don't have the numbers if they are only 1, 10, 279, 357, 4638.
That is the essence of Divide & Conquer. The hierarchies we live in everyday based on various attributes: perceived beauty, economic status, ethnicity, religion, talent/ability, culture, anything & everything that exists under the sun. By us, the masses, fighting amongst each other over trifling details the elite in power never have to sufficiently worry about that power leaving their limited hands.
This has slipped on occasion & enough of the mass got together as one & went against the few in power. Beheaded kings & czars, overthrown rulers of every kind. Because of this natural reality (MORE beats less in the simplistic sense) the powered few pay SOME respect to the power of the mass by paying lip service, putting on a show to appease those masses to keep them merely annoyed not necessarily enraged where action usually follows. People complain about things but nothing changes & that complaining is exactly where they want you. As long as you gripe you just sit in your stew or at best are ineffective in your attempted actions. "We need to throw the bums out!" they always say. "Vote 'em out!" Hahahaha! The powered class laughs at that. In reality torches & pitchforks should be taken to the rulinghouse when the leaders mislead & lie to the public. EVERYtime.
The few know that many always beats few so they play mindgames of every sort on the populous that let these few rule them to keep them placated &/or ineffective.
As long as the ones in power don't feel any real qualms to your power (only feeding logs on fire from time to time through the use of lowlevel mindgames/performances), as long as they don't see you as a real threat to their power, the lieing will always continue.
When they have a reason to fear the public they "rule", things change QUICKLY.
Yes, we are lied to because as a whole we allow it.
John Lucas
2007-01-25 00:56:05
answer #4
answered by johnlucas31320 3
Why no longer ask your slaves? interior the U.S. no person OWNS all of us, people are not components. i don't comprehend possibly it is barely the words you utilize around the pond. Now i will take returned the thought no person owns people, because of the fact regrettably there remains an underground slave commerce, so no person LEGALLY owns all of us. To be trustworthy the difficulty is that our infantrymen are not being spectacular experienced, there are some that are starting to be rushed to attempt against. If spectacular experienced i do no longer think of that there could be as lots of a difficulty.
2016-11-27 00:56:31
answer #5
answered by ? 4
I doubt the British soilders families who've lost a child to an American who thinks he's playing an XBOX would call "Friendly fire".... "Friendly"!
Some 300ILB tub of TRANS FAT shooting everything he sees that moves....'Oh gee sorry're just gettin' outta the shower huh?' 'You had a towel on your head you looked "EYE RACK E".' "Sorry about the bullet in the hea.....oh damn we've killed another Brit"......
2007-01-25 04:37:52
answer #6
answered by Stevie G 2
We all have to wonder are they the politicians alone, or is the press responsible as well? By the way, the british are our biggest allies, and thank you for that.
2007-01-25 00:37:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
They don't believe that the Iraqi's have claymore minds, and are uninformed by the right wing spamming crews running interference to the web. America know that there is 12 of them and not thousands. The opinions are consistent and answers are like memorex.
2007-01-25 00:31:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The american population per se have ALLOWED themselves to be lied to. its not rocket science to see a correlation between the price of oil and the countries US "chooses" to help. And they feed themselves with a diet of propeganda on tv ie 24 and mini series about germ warfare in LA etc. Sanitized brainwashing for the masses. At least we had the had the balls to actaully call our WW2 propaganda, propaganda!!! And sugar added to milk before its bottled....whats that all about??!!!
2007-01-25 00:31:14
answer #9
answered by Feee 1
Hey, Our guns are the best in the world. Made by the lowest bidder in China.
2007-01-25 00:31:07
answer #10
answered by jl_jack09 6
we as a people have learned to accept our goverment lies,there are some that think our government would never lie. until those two groups stop fighting,it won't change.
2007-01-25 00:27:41
answer #11
answered by J Q Public 6