You please have enough patience to go through this!
Key ingredients = Life + Profession + Good
1. Oh! Life is always the best thing to happen on this earth.
2. Being a Professional is excellent; it gives you a sense of pride
that you are not among commons. Live with it!
3. Good or bad is based on the Entry Level perceptions you take
into an act.
Therefore, have a "great" feeling about the way you live. Take your professional work with full of Discipline. Always believe that You are in the best Profession. This sharpens your skills. Positive attitude will always Gives more opportunities for learning. Professional update will keep you alive and on top. A professional becomes "GOOD" only when one has Regular Updates on professional matters.
Lastly learn to maintain a Divider between "PERSONAL" & Professional Matters. Never Mix Up.
Remember! A Doctor cannot perform surgery thinking the pain patient is going to experience.
A Advocate cannot argue, thinking about the pain of punishment he is arguing to bring about in the judgement.
A Chartered Accountant cannot practice, thinking of the pocket and related troubles to the client.
i.e. WHEN ONLY FEELINGS ARE ABSENT Professional is best at work.
2007-01-24 22:32:32
answer #1
answered by auditorsudhakar 3
hi well u can go the extra mile to do a great job finish ur job go the extra mile do a little extra or stay ahead work ahead plan ahead b ready for any eventualities and when u want to do good dont let ur ego fet in the way dont find a job too belittling like tidying up etc
2007-01-25 05:12:01
answer #2
answered by ladyluck 6
meenakshi i don't know much more about your profession but from my end i suggests these things....keep the time and mange the time,dont be strict to subordinates but give a feeling everything properly managed and monitered.dress well but simple.treat every one through the the competitors carefully..plan for long term existence....foresight or assume what will happen on tomorrow, study the challenges of tomorrow.
dont pass your pressure to sub ordinates but fix a goal well and truthfully
2007-01-25 05:44:02
answer #3
answered by arun t 1
First of all, tell us What is your profession?
2007-01-25 05:48:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous