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Why is it that whenever liberals either ask a question or answer one they are usually unable to state their views truthfully or factually?

I've noticed that I'm not the only person who frequently starts an answer by correcting the mistakes in a liberal's question. You can save us a lot of time by thinking about what you're saying, or you can be publicly embarrassed by those of us who can correct you from memory.

Have some self-respect, for your own sake. Hating your country and your president is not a legitimate point of view, it's an emotional bottomless pit, and none of us are affected by it, just you. And blurting out obvious conspiracy theories in public just makes you look dumb.

I'm telling you this to help you.

2007-01-24 20:15:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Thank you for your response, Peta, but if you value free speech over self respect, aren't you really just a source of noise? Johnboy, I fully intend to share facts whenever possible. Please don't shy away and you'll get all you need.

2007-01-24 20:37:28 · update #1

Petey, I don't know if you're aware of this, but liberals often try to lend themselves legitimacy by quoting smart people. This is because they have difficulty forming their own original thoughts.

2007-01-24 20:49:36 · update #2

Wondermom, if you simply disagree with the president, you have little to worry about. But if you don't know the difference between the liberal I describe and one who simply disagrees, then how can you educate anybody?

2007-01-24 20:53:31 · update #3

Bad M, if you're so anxious to help me, please use your erudite honesty and show me where I've erred in any of my answers. I'm anxiously waiting. I enjoy being educated. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

2007-01-24 21:30:37 · update #4

ktd, how are your eyes? You can't see the people in THIS forum who state in their own words their hatred for their own president? How am I supposed to take anything you say seriously? (BTW, Clinton was my Commander in Chief. I support all of my leaders. That's what Americans do.)

2007-01-24 21:45:08 · update #5

(By the way, I intend to award the 10 points to the best liberal answer. I have yet to get one with any points that can be taken seriously.)

2007-01-24 22:03:40 · update #6

Librix, for you, I'll restate the question in words that you can understand: "WHY DO WE HAVE TO EDUCATE LIBERALS?" In case you were wondering, it's okay to respond.

2007-01-24 22:05:46 · update #7

Bert, thank you for making my point so thoroughly. You're not just a liar, you're prodigious. Were this a discussion forum, you would be the most embarrassed, and I would be delighted to have a hand in it. In case you've forgotten, it was on Bill's watch that certain problems developed: Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia, Tyco, Arthur Anderson, and Global Crossing. It was on Bill's watch that our most recent recession began and terrorists trained for our worst attack in US history and there was no response to the USS Cole and a weak response to our embassy bombings. Which reminds me, Clinton thought there were nukes, too. Thinking that you can get that past me doesn't mean you can, it just makes you dishonest.

2007-01-25 06:40:36 · update #8

18 answers

If you don't agree with what someone has said then just move on. You don't have to attack them. They still do have the right of free speech.

2007-01-24 20:23:18 · answer #1 · answered by Velouria 6 · 7 2

I disagree that your attitude is "condescending." Totalitarian is more like it. Totalitarian governments are always interested in "educating" those who disagree with them based on the premise that the only reason someone would see things differently than they do is that they are at best ignorant, or more likely evil (unpatriotic, etc.).

What do you mean that "hating your country and your president" is not a "legitimate" point of view? Who are you to decide what is "legitimate"? You may disagree with this point of view. You may think it is counterproductive, disrepectful, obnoxious, or whatever your opinion is. But in the U.S., no one decides what a "legitimate" point of view is. Again, you sound a little totalitarian for my tastes.

And for what it's worth, could you give some examples of these liberals that you claim hate their country and the President? Making such serious accusations without proof or example isn't exactly impressive. Talk about "conspiracy theories."

Finally, are you implying that liberals have a corner on this market? You haven't read political forums here and elsewhere in which conservatives have trouble stating their views "truthfully and factually"? Conservatives never make mistakes in asking questions and/or stating their views? Conservatives always "think about" what they are saying and thereby never embarrass their supporters? They are all perfect and virtuous?

I'll make what I think is an objective assertion with which you may disagree. I think there was a lot more outright hatred for President Clinton than there has ever been for President Bush. I distinctly remember many people saying and writing publicly "He's not MY president" before he had even taken office. The "Impeach Clinton" bumper stickers were widespread years before anyone had heard of Monica Lewinsky. In my 50+ years, I have never seen such venemous hatred for a President, not even for Nixon. Were you as concerned about respect for the President then as you are now. Or did the fact that Clinton was a relatively liberal politician make all criticism of him, no matter how vitriolic or hate filled, legitimate?

2007-01-25 05:28:55 · answer #2 · answered by ktd_73 4 · 4 2

OK, Dick let me give you some
Since your question remarks "Stupidity" as in Politics:
I think you need more help, try to understand these:

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." --A Einstein

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”--A Lincoln

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”--John Stewart Mill

2007-01-25 04:43:34 · answer #3 · answered by petey_ :) 2 · 6 2

It affects you, you're asking another, save us from the liberals question, and who are you to tell others that they have no legitimate point of view. It's statements like yours which highlight the arrogance so many others can't stand. I would rather look silly by asking a question that many know the answer already, than making a statement to prove I'm more intelligent and more arrogant by belittling others. I'm telling you this because I'm sick of your type.

2007-01-25 06:29:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

ahh another divisive & biased poster.

Please take off your blinders & be honest with yourself & others. All groups - liberals,conservatives and independents have members that are guilty of this.

I love my country, dislike the current administration (they are not true conservatives, they are wolves in sheep's clothing) and most of all hate conspiracy theories. Where does that put me? Do you wish to ship me off to re-education camp a la cold war communist countries' policies?

I am telling you this to help you.

2007-01-25 05:18:29 · answer #5 · answered by Bad M 4 · 4 1

I love to see a hypocrit ask a question he or she should have asked themselves....where are your facts to back up your question?? Why are you so angry? Is it because the republicans are leaving your great leader and now voting with the democrats?? Or is it because we now own a MAJORITY in the house and soon to be in the senate? Its ok to be bitter, we wont hold it against you. Try not to be a hater though, it serves no purpose. Please turn inward for help.

2007-01-25 04:33:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

Will let me educate you a little here too. After all one good turn deserves another! Just because we don't agree with the president, does not mean we hate our country. In fact, because we love our country, we stand strongly in opposition to some of his policies!

2007-01-25 04:49:04 · answer #7 · answered by wondermom 6 · 6 3

It is an impossible task. You can speak to them, but it is like talking to a brick wall. These poor indoctrinated souls have no common sense and their words are devoid of any semblance of rational thought. They speak only for the sake of hearing themselves talk. And they never have anything remotely sane to say. In all honesty, the conspiracy theories are most disturbing to me. You would think these idiots would realize if they have their way and The United States loses its sole superpower status, they will be in for a world of hurt. In the same way they supported communism, they back radical islamists, who openly despise non-conformity, homosexuality, etc. In other words, the liberals will be the first to be beheaded if we were to lose our ongoing battle with the islamo-fascists. It is definitely great to know that we will not lose any war. But unfortunately, the U.S., with the rise of liberalism, might give rise to a new form of fascism. Think of the decadence of Germany's Wiemar Republic. That gave rise to Nazi Germany. Only in our case, radical islamo fascists would be the targets of our police actions. Hopefully, both liberals and other America haters will realize this, as it will be their butts if they do not.

2007-01-25 04:28:51 · answer #8 · answered by Guerrilla M 5 · 3 5

You are not truly asking a question, you are just stating your opinion of liberals.

We have to educate Liberals so they can tell the difference between conservative bull-crap like yours and plain old bull-crap. Conservative bull-crap, like yours, has a wee bit more methane(hence a bit smellier than plain bull-crap); and is more likely to make your head explode when the least bit of Liberal thought is present.

You seem to have been too busy playing with your Rush Limbaugh doll, with authentic conservative bull-crap smell! and basking in the the feeble glow of your superiority complex, soooo I will repeat (since you sound like a rote kinda guy and to help you of course) in the same words that even you can understand:

You are not truly asking a question, you are just stating your opinion of liberals.

We have to educate Liberals so they can tell the difference between conservative bull-crap, like yours and plain old bull-crap. Conservative bull-crap, like yours, has a wee bit more methane (hence a bit smellier than plain bull-crap); and is more likely to make your head explode when the smallest spark of Liberal thought is present..

In case your wondering, its OK to actually listen to other points of view instead of bleating conservative mantras you believe will protect you from any stray liberal thoughts that might make sense.

2007-01-25 05:58:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Peta, are you serious?

How can you actually lecture us about free speech rights and complain of "attacks"...... then in the same sentence say that if we disagree with a point of view, we need to simply move along.

So only ideas you approve of deserve speech protections? Seriously!

The point of free speech means that we all get a say. We just are not all entitled to making sense when we speak, something you are surely familar with.

typical liberal ****.

2007-01-25 05:46:57 · answer #10 · answered by American Bad Ass 1 · 1 6

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