In my experience people don't breastfeed for two reasons:
1) ignorance. People do not fully know or understand the benefits of breastfeeding. I really, truly believe that any mother who knew what a huge advantage she'd be providing for her child by breastfeeding would have to do so, or else I'd have to believe she was just selfish. People also do not understand that breastfeeding is not always easy, and the moment they run into a problem, they give up, thinking that their problem can't be fixed. And besides, everyone in the health care industry is afraid to urge new mothers to breastfeed, or they'll get blasted with the whole "personal choice" and "do what feels right for YOU" (not what's healthiest for your baby) propaganda.
2) lack of support. Those people who run into problems and don't know how to fix them often don't have people around them to help them through sore nipples, engorgement, or mastitis, and simply give up. After all, Artificial Breast Milk is pushed in every new mother's face everywhere she goes; even before giving birth I found countless cans of formula on my doorstep from various companies pushing me to use their ABM. All it takes is one frazzled feeding and any mother who has declared she would "try" breastfeeding will turn to ABM.
2007-01-28 15:29:26
answer #1
answered by calliope_13731 5
I was kinda grosses out about breastfeeding..and sometimes I think Im kinda i thought that is why i did not have the urge to breastfeed....but when i had my ended up that I did want to breastfeed after all.....I tried and failed...but I think some women may not feel a bond like other do...and some women think its too much of a hassle...or they hear horror stories from other moms...thats what made me feel weird about it at first...but then when i saw my daughter that all went away....maybe its selfishness...who knows....
2007-01-24 17:53:31
answer #2
answered by alicia 2
Some women I think just don't want to stop and take the time, might mess up their boobs! Hey, can u nurse with bought boobs?
I had 2 children and I nursed them both. It is an awesome experience,there is no other way to describe,it is bonding to the nth degree,If any one has the ability and the want go for it. One more of Gods many Blessings..
2007-01-24 17:58:20
answer #3
answered by mean evil woman 7
I have two children, and formula fed both of them. It wasn't because of anything medical that I chose not to breast feed it was just a choice that I made. I did try with my first born (4 years ago) and he just wouldn't take, I felt that I was starving my child so I put him on formula. I don't regret it for one minute, In my own experience I found that because he was bottle fed, it led to a great bond between not only myself and him, but also for him and his dad. My son has always been great being with other people without me which I think that it has something to do with it. He also hardly ever gets sick. Nothing serious anyway. A cold once or twice a year and has never had an ear infection. He is a perfectly healthy kid, I don't think that if you choose to formula feed your children your not putting them at a higher risk of anything, and it sure isn't selfish. I also have a baby girl who is on formula and she is extremely healthy and happy. It really pushes my buttons when people take it upon themselves to inform people that they should be doing things that they choose not to do. Its called free choice and it doesn't make you any less of a person or a mother.
2007-01-24 18:20:22
answer #4
answered by beaner 2
It is a little ironic, that it used to be lower class women who tended to breastfeed, and not the upper class. This has changed, as many lower class mothers must work, and cannot be home with the baby to breastfeed. Mothers who can breastfeed, but choose not to, miss out on a tremendous bonding opportunity, plus deprive their baby of many anti-bodies... which help the baby fight disease
2007-01-24 18:29:13
answer #5
answered by Andrew 5
perhaps my answer may seem ridiculous to some but, I chose not to breastfeed because I am a smoker. I cut back MAJORLY when I was pregnant. Yet, I didn't want my child subjected to that for any longer. I would guess some women also don't breastfeed because of their jobs. If they are subjected to different chemicals that could enter their blood streams i.e. paint, they may not want to risk it.
2007-01-24 17:55:37
answer #6
answered by lustful TR 2
some women cant be with their baby all the time esp. working moms.are the ones who are capable of breastfeeding for more than i year choose not to? i dont know... maybe the nipples hurt.
2007-01-24 18:01:10
answer #7
answered by lnfrared Loaf 6
Job, mental problems, overly sensitive breasts? Some woman just don't want to. Heck, it wasn't but 20 years ago that MOST woman didn't breastfeed. Only the weird hippies did it back then LOL.
2007-01-24 17:53:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I was very young and stupid when i had my first and would have done a ton of things different. I was in too much of a hurry to get out there and party (drink and smoke) again. I should have nursed. My son had lots of cold and ear infections. So I think it was ignorance on my part. I also thought that it would be easier to feed formula but it wasn't. Having breastfed now I wish I would have done it the first time around.
2007-01-24 17:59:25
answer #9
answered by AngelBaby 1
I tried and tried to breastfeed my daughter. After 2 weeks, I gave up.
Now, I'm kinda glad that I didnt' becaue it allows others to help you out. Every Saturday night and sunday, my husband wakes up in the middle of the night to feed her and wakes in the mornign to feed her so I can sleep. That's the advantage of not breastfeeding.
Yes, I know that breastfeeding is best for the baby...which is why I tried (I even tried pumping but wasn't pumping enough to satisfy her). However, since I couldn't, I take advantage of the fact that dad can help with baby.
2007-01-25 02:50:00
answer #10
answered by Newmomofone 3