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does crest whitening toothpaste really work

2007-01-24 17:24:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Other - Beauty & Style

20 answers

Yes it does. It really helped my husband....I was afraid to try it myself because I have caps, but now that I saw the results and spoke to the dentist, I am going to try it myself....

2007-01-24 17:28:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Crest Toothpaste Whitening

2017-01-05 05:47:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0


2016-05-26 00:03:44 · answer #3 · answered by Kristy 4 · 0 0

Whitening Toothpaste That Works

2016-10-26 03:35:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Whitening toothpastes work to a degree; however many of them are quite harsh on the teeth. And whitening toothpastes only whiten the surface of your teeth. Your teeth have micro-pores in them where most of the staining you see accumulates. The only way this can be corrected is by going to the dentist or using a do-it-yourself photoelectric UV light device.

I've heard that professional bleaching works too.

Staying away from habits such as drinking black tea, drinking very sweet drinks with bad sugars in them (high fructose corn syrup, etc), coffee, smoking cigarettes, cigars or that other stuff you may like to smoke can help your teeth stay whiter too.

I get lots of compliments on my teeth, but only because I was lucky enough to have teeth that grow symmetrically; and I take care of them.
I floss EVERY day, not once a week like most people probably do and I brush twice a day with a natural toothpaste that has perilla seed extract in it (a natural sugar acid blocker) and an electric toothbrush (the new fangled ones that are dentist recommended, e.g. Sonicare)

I also don't use a toothpaste with fluoride in it. Our teeth don't need fluoride, they need calcium. Fluoride is another myth that drug and chemical companies have successfully forced upon us. While it won't cause any harm to your teeth, fluoride has been shown to interfere with the functions of the thyroid in some people. Calcium is just as good or better for your teeth. Don't use mouthwashes with alcohol (Scope, etc) Use mouthwashes like Tom's of Maine. They use natural witch hazel (a better ingredient)

Nutrition also plays a important role in the health of your teeth too. This is why people that smoke crystal-meth lose their teeth. They are very nutritionally deplete.

How do I know these methods of personal tooth care are better? Because my dentist noticed and improvement in the health of my teeth and I didn't tell her/him what I was doing differently.

So stop using Crest, get a toothpaste that has calcium powder and perilla seed extract in it (Jason's Natural Toothpaste) and use it, and follow the other advice in this message. Trust me, you'll see a difference for the better.

2007-01-24 17:57:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0


My teeth are naturally white and I asked my dentist to whiten my teeth and he took the color chart and my teeth were whiter than the chart. (Ok that came out arrogant, but there's more to why I said this) BUT the reason I said this is because I told my dentist than I will use whitening toothpastes he said be-careful b/c some contain grainy substances that sort of exfoliates your teeth and can eventually wear the enamel down. Ruining your enamel will lessen your protection from stains. He said whites strips were better if I was to do anything. I used the whites strips they did nothing, but like I said my teeth are white already. (I wasn't trying to sound rude I just remember what the dentist said about the toothpastes and thought I would tell you the full story because I can't fall asleep and feel like writing-sorry for talking so much, exhausted and mumbling need sleep)

2007-01-24 17:39:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if u have learned n e thing in america when it comes to advertisment you can slap a label on a peice of poo and claim it to be a miricle diet, get away with it and sell it. read your products carefully when considering buying. the adds will say "can help fight" plague will aid against does not guarentee any promising results. i used it for several months. what i do find that works is the crest white strips. it comes with a guerentee. so if u do not see results they give your money back when you call the company and complain. i used those and they DO work. they are costly if you are poor but remember you get what you pay for. my best recomendation is to use the crest white strips and use pro health crest. good luck hopefully you will have pearly whites.

2007-01-24 17:31:32 · answer #7 · answered by wedjb 6 · 2 0

Yes it does. You wont get huge results, but you definitely will notice a difference in your teeths appearance. If you are looking for a big change, try crest night effects. I use those all the time and they work wonders. They make my teeth as white as my eyeball (which is as white as you want your teeth naturally)

2007-01-24 17:27:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would have told you no before. However, my family began using this toothpaste about 6 months ago. we are Colgate users and thought we'd try this. I have had so many compliments on my teeth. Even my 9 year old daughter noticed how much whiter our teeth are. I suggest it 100%

2007-01-24 17:34:28 · answer #9 · answered by LaurenElyse 4 · 0 1

I use a very soft bristle tooth brush and the crest 3D white VIVID tooth paste, and honestly i could see a difference in white after the first two times i used it, i love it !

2016-03-18 00:42:59 · answer #10 · answered by Kristin 2 · 0 0

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