Ignore the racists and the haters. These people haven't got a clue. What you propose would paralyze the government and business. It might actually make the jerks pay attention. How can I help get it started?
2007-01-24 15:56:19
answer #1
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
The federal government can only do so much - perhaps these concerns could be better solved in the homes and local communities. Maybe that's where the effort should start - at the local level. It's actually worked in some communities!
Oh, wait, that's difficult to do when you're skipping school, smoking dope and comparing fire power with your buddies - and it takes an effort to try and accept some responsibility and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
In all fairness to the good people who struggle with these problems daily, I hardly think they could "save up a week's worth of money and stay home" just to try and make a point. What they need is a decent wage to try and make ends meet - not a week without any pay.
2007-01-24 23:49:32
answer #2
answered by LeAnne 7
There would be a lot of minorities out of work. Violence would skyrocket. Families would break apart. Babies would starve. And, the economy would slide right through. Help in your those neighborhoods need to begin at home and with the local government.
2007-01-24 23:38:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure what you are driving at, to be honest.
I think the state and federal governments are devoting vast resources to the gun violence, gang violence, and drug infested neighborhoods. In fact, I know they are.
The fault lies with the criminals, not the government. And you know what else? Not one child needs to miss a week of school.
Do you know what they do need? To actually stay in school and graduate. The number one cause of crime? High School dropouts.
2007-01-24 23:45:54
answer #4
answered by ? 7
A lot of wealthy conservatives wouldn't get their lawns mowed or hedges trimmed. A lot of lettuce wouldn't get picked. A lot of homes wouldn't get built. I'm not being sarcastic, either.
I would say that it would be interesting to see the effect if all the parents who support contraception for teens would keep their kids home for just two days as a show of purpose.
2007-01-25 08:25:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
what are you trying to say? that moniorities should stay home for a week so they will legalize marijuana? that's kind of stupid and shows exactly where your priorities are.
people are exactly where they want to be...otherwise they would get an education, a real paying job, and better themselves. they like wallowing in the mud of society, gives them something to complain about.
(and don't give me any crap saying that some people can't help themselves up. i am a mother,a wife,an employee, and a student! i work night shift and my husband works day..i also take online classes to get my diploma in Early Childhood Education..and on our days off, we deliver newspapers...we do all this to better our situation and make the best life for our family.)
2007-01-24 23:46:00
answer #6
answered by Allyn 3
That's a great idea. You'd be lucky to get 15% cooperation, but even that would have a profound effect on the economy.
I often wonder just what it will take to wake up American society and the Bush government, and that would definately provide a little motivation in the right direction.
2007-01-24 23:37:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Most of the parents of these children living in a drug war zone don't work anyway,that's why they are living in the ghetto.
2007-01-24 23:33:57
answer #8
answered by LIBS ARE FOOLS 2
Maybe if the fathers actually lived in the households and handled their business, there wouldn't be any problems.
In other words "Homes", stop dropping your seed, smoking your weed, making your fellow man bleed, and start doing some proper deeds.
2007-01-24 23:24:24
answer #9
answered by Liberals_Celebrate_Abortions 1
Mc Donald's, Wendy's, BK, and all the other fast food place would go into chapter 11 YIPEEEEE
2007-01-24 23:25:40
answer #10
answered by PoliticallyIncorrect 4