All is fair in love and war.
2007-01-24 15:10:15
answer #1
answered by n9wff 6
Funny how the past relationships can define a new one1
My view point on this is the less the other person knows about my past the better. I hate it when your in an argument or something and they use something from your past in it.
I was 26 when I got married I never told my wife much about my past but my mom decided to open a whole book of worms and to this day i hate it when my wife uses something from my past.
It is a fact women do that more than men.
It depends on you both and how confotable you are with dealing that you both had a life before one another!
It also depends if your still brining all this stuff up..move on!
If he can't move on than maybe he is not the one.
2007-01-24 23:15:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It shouldn't - hubby knew about these thing before he married you but he went ahead and did so. But bloody men, it's likely he might raise these things if it is a very heated argument. It will only be a serious issue if it happens regularly and deep down he resents you. Never avoid the issue, tell him you didn't marry anyone else just him because you love him. If he loves you he will know these words raised in anger hurt you and he should avoid doing so. Oh if you date any of these guys again it will be a big problem dear
2007-01-24 23:13:06
answer #3
answered by smilingtalker_au 4
Men dont hold gruges like women do and if you have only been married for 4 mths why are you even worried about the past. Bury the past and show your husband how much you love him everyday and the past never has to come for the future dont bring baggage into your marriage leave it behind dreading on the past never helped anyones future. forget and be HAPPY good luck.
2007-01-24 23:14:41
answer #4
answered by englishgal11 2
you roam, you are a roamer, you like to go from one thing to another, eventually i see your marriage heading for divorce because you will find someone else that you will fell is right for you because you do not feel your husband is right for you
why did you marry him in the first place if you dont think he is right for you? why did you stop your quest and search for the right one
i claim this based on your statement of dumping your hubby during the dating stages because you found someone else that you thought was right for you, meaning that you didn't think your hubby was right for you
2007-01-24 23:27:59
answer #5
answered by zether 6
In a good marriage there will be arguments but you never bring up things to hurt or degrade the other person.
There's such a thing as "fair-fighting"....and that's not fair.
It's none of his business how many people you've been with before's what happens after him that counts.
You guys should have had some pre-marital's never too late.
2007-01-24 23:11:56
answer #6
answered by daljack -a girl 7
yeah he might bring it up. it's a touchy subject for both men and women. You have to remind him though that you are with him now and what you did other people before him was in the past. That thing with his friend was/is probably hard for him to forget, but he can't keep holding that against. He got over it enough to marry you so he shouldn't keep bringing it up as a serious issue between you two.
2007-01-24 23:13:10
answer #7
answered by jay-z8900 2
Sweety you already know the answer to that.If you dont even know how you really ended up together just knowing some how you both just patched it up.Than most likely he is not the one for you .Otherwise there would be this unexplainable love magnet feeling inside you
2007-01-24 23:17:25
answer #8
answered by renja27 2
If he's bringing up things from the past, there's a problem. Whatever happened prior to him stays there. Bringing up things that happened prior to your current relationship is not fair-fighting.
2007-01-24 23:14:42
answer #9
answered by RomanceStuck 2
It shouldn't be an issue, unless you make it one. If you rub it in or bring it up then he might start to feel unsecure, then it could come up in a fight. But if you are chill with it and he knows that the past doesn't matter, just the future and he is yours, then it should be fine.
2007-01-24 23:12:59
answer #10
answered by Les-Lee 2
Yeah they do bring up old dirt sometimes but if u love him & he u. The past doens't matter & just leave the ex's in PAST & make sure u stay true to him. Be disciplined
2007-01-24 23:11:43
answer #11
answered by pammybear1971 2