Liberals are kind of like Muslim extremist. If you are not with them, then you must die.
They believe in their way or no way. They will not accept bi-partisan politics, that is why Bush has not been successful. As a matter of fact, think about the protection the Libs have been wanting to give to the Extremist; Gitmo detainees, Prison photos that exploited our troops. Don't try to tell me that they support our troops, all they are doing is helping the enemy kill them.
2007-01-24 10:15:24
answer #1
answered by tim g 3
There is no attack like a neo-con attack. Neo-cons often belittle liberals AND anyone else that do not see the world through their perfect vision.
People finally got fed up with being verbally abused by these hateful, de-evolved creatures and started fighting back. Ann Coulter is the poster child for the neo-con's verbal assault on those they cannot control.
2007-01-24 10:27:35
answer #2
answered by Chi Guy 5
Both sides are guilt of sharing their views. However when it goes up against the individual for there believes it's an attack.
Here are two examples of attacks becauses views are different!;_ylt=Aiii2v.Uv2RAe5iIfF._tbLsy6IX?qid=20070120150142AAtbsGj&show=7#profile-info-262a9838f19f5bc801c6f0efd4657e52aa;_ylt=Akz072YPZP.JUryZVMUWAVnsy6IX?qid=20070114004432AAuYoti&show=7#profile-info-AA11403574
note the questions are still there so no abuse was reported something Conservatives are so eager to claim all liberals do!!
2007-01-24 10:17:19
answer #3
answered by wondermom 6
You're right, it's not fair, but don't worry about it. Liberals consider conservatives as closed minded, a PC way of saying dumb. For all of their talk about diversity, they only want their version of diversity, and that doesn't include conservative ideals.
2007-01-24 12:23:02
answer #4
answered by rmoss9686 3
trust me, liberals are attacked just as much as conservatives are for sharing their views.
2007-01-24 10:19:18
answer #5
answered by Mr. O 3
why have I had 11 out of my 15 questions removed/?? some were removed weeks after they were resolved. Who attacked me on those questions (they were already resolved by the way when they were removed)... I'll give you a hint. It wasn't liberals.
2007-01-24 10:23:16
answer #6
answered by truth seeker 7
If you expect a politics forum to be fair or kind you just haven't been around very long. Chin up, wade in and start slinging. Most of all have fun.
2007-01-24 10:03:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That's not true at all. In fact, for quite a few years its been the reverse. If you took liberal positions on things you were (and still are) labeled as unpatriotic or a commie.
There are extreme dorkos on both sides that only want to name call.
2007-01-24 10:03:13
answer #8
answered by dapixelator 6
I have never verbally attacked a conservative. I just tell the truth. The problem is, that truth to a conservative is like sunlight to a vampire.
2007-01-24 09:59:43
answer #9
answered by Darth Vader 6
Liberals are true facists- anti freedom- anti free speech.
2007-01-24 10:02:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous