We could use more electronic news sources rather than news papers. We could use less packaging. We could use reusable clothe bags at the grocery store. We could do more to limit junk mail. We could explore alternative building materials for houses etc.
1. Boycott wood products! Change won't come until we change our consumer habits as individuals. Use and purchase recycled paper products! Many state of the art paper recycling factories have been shut down or are in danger of being shut down because of the lack of demand for recycled paper products. Shopper activists rise up! And don't forget to bring your canvas bags!
2. Don't buy old growth lumber products! In fact don't buy any lumber! If you must buy lumber, buy as little as possible, do you really need that new deck or room addition? Explore and research alternative building materials- adobe, brick, straw bale, bamboo, hemp, and/or metal. Many alternatives to wood are available, your money is what keeps them cutting!
3. Donate to "We Save Trees" forest education and action fund. Any donation of money, gear, food, warm clothing is greatly appreciated. Donations can be sent to the Donations box on www.wesavetrees.org Thank you*
4. Spread the word! Talk about the endangered species, learn about the importance of trees to our ecosystem and their vital role in healing the planet. Educate others through casual talk. The United States, the nation with the most money and influence around the world is putting its time and energy into materialism and consumerism! We need to set the example for the rest of the planet, save the forests! Raise consciousness, let your actions and thoughts show it!
5. Spend time in our sacred forests. Feel for yourself the wisdom and teachings the forest has to lend. Hike beyond the Redwood lined roads and tourist attractions, the hidden devastation from clearcuts will bring tears to your eyes. Less than three percent of the old growth remain, seek them out, learn what they have to teach. Allow yourself the time to get to know what they are. These trees are not hundreds to thousands of years old for nothing.
6. Live from love and question all consumption. Clean air, clean water, less pollution and healthy ecosystems can all be attained if we put our love and inspirations into action. In doing so, we as humans can start healing and perhaps nature too will repair herself. It is what we do on this earth, in our time here, in our own heart, souls, and conscousness that is known by the greater forces that be. Let us dissolve our societies priorities of money, greed, and social status. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ghandi
2007-01-24 16:23:44
answer #1
answered by CoolLuke 7