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9 answers

Depends upon where you stay...

Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007)
Belgium -- 23 May 2007
Finland -- 23 May 2007
France -- 23 May 2007
Sweden -- 23 May 2007
Argentina -- 24 May 2007
Australia -- 24 May 2007
Austria -- 24 May 2007
Germany -- 24 May 2007
Hong Kong -- 24 May 2007
Italy -- 24 May 2007
Netherlands -- 24 May 2007
Russia -- 24 May 2007
Brazil -- 25 May 2007
Bulgaria -- 25 May 2007
Denmark -- 25 May 2007
Iceland -- 25 May 2007
Norway -- 25 May 2007
Poland -- 25 May 2007
Spain -- 25 May 2007
UK -- 25 May 2007
USA -- 25 May 2007
Venezuela -- 25 May 2007
Japan -- 26 May 2007
Egypt -- 30 May 2007

Hope it helps.

2007-01-24 09:36:33 · answer #1 · answered by Latitude 360 5 · 0 0

Pirates Of The Carribean 3:
At Worlds End

coming to theaters on Memorial Day ( May 25th )

2007-01-24 17:36:10 · answer #2 · answered by Mrs. Papelbon! 2 · 0 0

Summer 2007

2007-01-24 17:57:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The main thing is that they're going to go save Jack from World's End. There are minor things, like the relationship between Elizabeth and Will, but who cares, really, we've got Jack versus Davy Jones versus Cutler Beckett versus everybody, good grief!

2007-01-24 17:24:32 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Ettejin of Wern 6 · 1 0

I'm so excited for this movie. It's called Pirates of the Caribbean, "At World's End." It's coming out May 25, 2007. Keith Richards is making a cameo as Jack Sparrows father. When I find a movie that I really like, I watch it and try to figure out what's going to happen in the following movies. I also read the script for the trailer for the third movie, so I think I have a good idea of what's going to happen.

***Do NOT continue if you don't like reading movie spoilers. Some of these things could be spoilers for the third movie.

I think the whole point of the third movie is a fight for who controls the seas. Sao Feng, Culter Beckett, and James Norrington are going to team up and try to rid all seas of pirates by using the heart.

As for Davey Jones, he probably won't team up with them. I think that Tia Dalma is the girl who fell in love with Davey Jones for two reasons. First, in an interview with her, she talks about what a big part she has in the third movie, and this and that, second, and this is really interesting, if you watch the second movie carefully, you actually see a heart shaped locket in her house. Also, pay close attention to when she's telling the story of how Davey Jones cut out his heart. She knows exactly what she is talking about.

I also believe that Govenor Swan is going to die. If you want a reason, think about it this way. They already have Will Turner's father, and soon Jack Sparrow's father. These are the three main characters fathers. It's too much. Knowing Disney, they are going to kill Govenor Swan. He's been in the movies the longest, plus look at the situation he's in at the end of the second movie.

Obvisouly Will and Elizabeth are going to get married at the end. Disney would not change that unless something came up, which nothing has.

As for the situation Jack is in, if you read the script for the trailer, it explains how Barbossa and Will go to see Tia Dalma who from what I read, looks into her crystal ball and sees Jack sinking into black sand, then crabs crawl out of the of the crystal ball and you hear Jack yelling. Barbossa tries to help Jack, but Jack refuses and continues to sink. He won't die of course, Disney wouldn't do that ever. Plus I've seen a short clip of Jack on board his ship saying "Did no come to rescue be because they missed me?" The monkey then raises his hand. You can also find pictures of Jack and Elizabeth dessed up in Asian like clothes. I don't know for sure what that is about, but it probably has something to do wtih Sao Feng.

There is supposedly a sword fight between Jack and Barbossa, and Jack and Davey Jones, from what I've heard. There is also a battle between Jack with his ship, and Sao Feng with his ship.

I read a really long time ago, and I don't know if this is going to happen anymore, but it said that Jack is going to exchange his freedom by trading Elizabeth. Again, I don't know if that is true, but you never know.

The movie actually takes place at World's End. Watch the first movie, when Jack has a sword fight with Barbossa towards the end, Barobssa says, "You're off the edge of the map mate. Here there be sea monsters." The edge of the map probably has something to do with Davey Jones locker too.

Here are some cool pics, and sites to look at:

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0449088/...... (info)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/at_worlds_e... (info)
http://www.filmtotaal.nl/images/newscont... (a picture of Jack Sparrow in his new outfit)
http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0449088/s... (a picture of Elizabeth in her new outfit)

So excited for this movie to come out!
Memorial Day '07 :D

2007-01-24 18:12:12 · answer #5 · answered by Pirates of the Caribbean :D 3 · 0 0

Elizabeth is captured by the notorious pirate Sao-Feng as Captain Barbossa and Will Turner alliance for one last decisive battle
all those sites are pretty good ^^^. hope i could help! ;)

2007-01-24 18:37:39 · answer #6 · answered by A Pirate's Life For ME ;) 6 · 0 0

the crew bing crewed by barbosa going to the end of the world to rescue jack and probably killing the crackin

2007-01-24 18:18:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

oh. Just forget about me pick pirates of the caribbean :D
her answer is WAY GOOD! thanks for the info!

2007-01-25 18:23:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know. We'd have to watch the movie to find out :)

2007-01-24 17:23:31 · answer #9 · answered by rspheart 4 · 0 0

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