Well, this would be better placed in a medical category, but what the hell... Once death is completely assured, an undertaker will drain your body of all of it's fluids. Then, certain organs are removed as they often contain toxins and also to prevent further decay. This will usually occur at the time of an autopsy, although not everyone undergoes an autopsy. Then the body is 'prepped' so that the eyes remain closed and your face is as 'natural' as possible. Some implants might be used to make the face look natural as rigor mortis ( the temporary stiffening of the body after death) will cause muscular distortions. The body is pumped with preserving fluids ( I'm not sure if they still use formaldehyde as it is quite toxic) and this is just to keep the body 'fresh' for short term. The body is kept refrigerated intil it is ready to be presented.
Any 'alien' articles like tampons and napkins, are discarded as they also contain bacteria and no longer serve any useful purpose. As far as a menstral cycle goes, all bodily functions turn off, but it is common for the bowels to release as well as your bladder. For example, a person when hanged, would expulse all bodily fluids at the time of death (sorry, this is a bit nasty ) as would a person in an electric chair. You would expect the same if the result was from an auto accident or similar life ending event. But I believe it is true also for the majority of life terminating cases. But not all. There are numerous 'mortician' sites where you can gather this information at a far more scientifc and detailed level than what I explained here. After burial, the body decomposses completely to a skeleton. However, hair and nails do continue to grow for a short term.
2007-01-28 13:26:24
answer #2
answered by ryanclee88888 2