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What do you think a fair asking price would be on eBay?
---Games List----
Sniper Elite
Battlefield 2,
Star Wars Battlefront,
Splinter Cell,
Halo 1,
Tiger Woods 2003,
Midtown Madness 3,
Fifa 2004,
Tournament Paintball,
Hitman: Blood Money,
Hitman: Contracts,
Special Forces: Project Nemsis,
Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic,
Fifa Street 2,
Max Payne 2,
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas,
Ghost Recon,
Ghost Recon Island Thunder,
007 Night Fire,
Madden 2006,
NFL Street,
Kingdom under Fire,
Conflict Desert Storm,
Rainbow Six 3,
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30,
NCAA March Madness 2005,
NHL 2003

2007-01-24 09:05:22 · 9 answers · asked by random/\me 2 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

9 answers

I'll say about $350+

2007-01-24 12:38:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My brother has a 360, and that i've got a PS3, so with a bit of luck i will help a splash. video games - suitable now Xbox has a mass quantity of video games out in comparison to PS3. that's to no longer say they are all high quality, however the call is rather superb. There are additionally numerous video games that are solely on Xbox, and purely a handful that are solely PS3. on line - from what i've got considered Xbox stay is greater helpful than pshome, yet enjoying video games like call of accountability on the PS3 on line is unquestionably nonetheless a solid adventure fee - back, Xbox is the winner, yet this is via easier hardware and factors. pics/Hardware - A PS3 makes use of greater stepped forward and heavy technologies than an Xbox, and provides greater advantageous ability strengthen. PS3's are additionally much less probable to adventure breakdowns than Xbox. the main uncomplicated breakdown of a PS3, the blu-raycontinual, is likewise fixable on your guy or woman with the suited factors and an internet academic (ought to your equipment be out of guarantee). i don't understand something approximately fixing Xbox's on your guy or woman. The PS3 additionally applications as a Blu-Ray disc participant, so in case you have HDTV set up and purchase some Blu-Ray discs you get to appreciate extreme def video clips. different applications - i'm incredibly particular the two gadgets are equivalent in terms of storing media (photos, video) and on line surfing, and so on. advice: in case you think of the equipment is barely incredibly going for use for a year or so, you may properly be greater helpful to get an Xbox. although, in a year or 2 PS3's gaming determination would be equivalent to Xbox (agencies locate much less stressful procedures to make video games which could incredibly make the main of the PS3's ability) and all in all the PS3 would be a greater helpful determination than 360 hands-down. i might advise a PS3. for my section that's a greater helpful determination. be conscious: no rely which you elect, in case you're actually not likely to apply the equipment for something different than video games (and purely have a pair of them) get for the backside GB equipment, because greater GB is in simple terms greater cupboard area. you will spend much less money too!

2016-12-12 19:31:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well it depends on how long the person had the xbox and if it was used for like 1 year then i would pay 200$ for the xbox, for the games i would pay like 100$ - 300$ cause they were used, the controllers i would pay 40$ - 50$. Well there ya go i gave my opinion hope it helps.

2007-01-24 09:19:14 · answer #3 · answered by mimibabix3 2 · 0 0

Put then on Ebay as a lot or collection sale. do a little research on ebay, to get a starting price. Or you can start the bid at $300. And let it go from there. Good luck!!

2007-01-24 09:12:33 · answer #4 · answered by railroad_joe 3 · 0 0


2007-01-24 09:10:23 · answer #5 · answered by B(ee)riggs 2 · 0 0

You may be dissapointed, I'd say you'll get around $350 tops if you sell it with all the games as a lot.

2007-01-24 09:14:40 · answer #6 · answered by Bad Samaritan 4 · 0 0

Why don't you check on e-bay itself? You just make search on www.ebay.com and check how much these items are sold for. Make sure to mark box "completed listings" so that it could show you all sold and unsold items.

2007-01-24 09:12:03 · answer #7 · answered by Helen 2 · 0 0


Because it is used and people want the 360 but you have some great games.

2007-01-24 11:53:55 · answer #8 · answered by hawkhead91 3 · 0 0

check out this site, they give you an xbox 360 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!

2007-01-24 21:55:41 · answer #9 · answered by super S 1 · 0 0

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