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Today I was trying to get a jump for my car after my battery died from leaving the head lights on. Well anyways, I had called my friend to see if he could help me. So he walked to my work and than he was going to walk and get jumper cables. Well someone had offered to jump my car. A few seconds later law enforcement pulled up. Questioned me and my friend and said someone had noticed the car was sitting there for 3 days which wasn't true. Questioned me and my friend and than after I went into my job an investigator talked to me with my boss present. Asking me if him and I had any felonys or were under the influence of drugs and if we were trying to rip people off. C'mon I was trying to jump my car. Now note my friend is a black man and this is a town of 2,000 or so. Then they talk about how if someone doesn't have a job that they are concerned and that they'll be trouble. I'm curious about the whole legal thing. Could a law suit be filed?

2007-01-24 08:07:19 · 9 answers · asked by Nisi 4 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I don't think its fair to assume someone is under the influene of drugs and is a criminal just because they can't go anywhere because the car is dead.

2007-01-24 08:10:32 · update #1

I wasn't outside the enitre time because I had to get back into work. My friend gave them his real name and they told him he was lying. He had an I.D. and it has been the same since I've known him, even saw his SS card everything the same. They were suspisous because someone had said the car was there for 3 days. Nothing to have to do with any warrants or anything like that, no aggressive behavior. Nothing.

2007-01-24 08:16:30 · update #2

The questioning last two hours. And they put my friend in handcuffs and everything. They couldn't arrest him because there was no reason too. I just don't understand!

2007-01-24 08:17:55 · update #3

Others from my job told law enforcement that the car was parked there this morning when I came to work. They had no reason to be here.

2007-01-24 08:26:57 · update #4

I have known him for 5 years. He has never got into trouble except maybe a traffic violation. Him and I are around each other 24/7.

2007-01-24 08:43:43 · update #5

Him and I were both nice towards to the police not hostile. He got a little upset when they kept on asking him if he was on drugs or if he was intending to rip people off.

2007-01-24 08:44:40 · update #6

Also, I live a half hour away so they don't see him that much!

2007-01-24 08:45:14 · update #7

9 answers

Of course it was racist. People just don't want to believe that racism exists in this country but it does. They act like just because they have a 50 cent song in their iPod they can't possibly be racist. Give me a break, its this country's dirty laundry that it doesn't want to air.

2007-01-24 08:49:58 · answer #1 · answered by frigginhilarious 5 · 1 0

These are all great answers, but here is some thing you may not have thought of. The law is about stopping illegal immigrants and securing the border. It's not just Mexicans coming across. Don't you think that people in other countries that would like to do harm to the United States, let's use Iraq as an example, have figured out that sneaking across our porous southern border would be a pretty easy way to get in this country?

2016-05-24 05:10:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think I would jump right on the race issue here. Someone reported the car sitting for three days according to the cop. If the car matched closely a car that was used in a crime they may have good reason to be suspicious. i will not say it is not a race thing but I would look at other possibilities first. As far a a law suit goes you can file one if you want but then again I could file one on you too. You don't really proof to file the suit but to win it you may.

2007-01-24 08:19:37 · answer #3 · answered by joevette 6 · 0 0

I agree something isnt right about this story. but if you want to know if you can sue you need to call a lawyer. even though people that sue over anything are leechs and bums but I dont think its acceptable to be in law enforcement and be racist. call a Lawyer they will tell you.

2007-01-24 08:20:26 · answer #4 · answered by perfectnpink_17 3 · 0 0

Do you know your friend well?? How has he treated the police?? Does he have a criminal background that might lead them to want to warn you. Is he someone they do not see around often??
Small lowns are notoriously scared of "strangers"

2007-01-24 08:40:46 · answer #5 · answered by ALunaticFriend 5 · 0 0

Some cops are a$$holes. Next time, film everything with your cell phone or a camera, upload it on youtube.com and show everyone in the world just who these a$$holes are.

2007-01-24 08:19:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sounds to me like there is something missing in your story. I'd like to hear the officers side also.

2007-01-24 08:13:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

... thats just normal cop behavior ... unless u were arrested i wouldnt worry about it ... maybe he just liked the way u looked and wanted to find out more about u ..

2007-01-24 08:14:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

need more details

2007-01-25 07:49:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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