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supplier quality manager and quality engineer are trying to share the resource while maximizing their own effiency. Supplier quality owns the resource and has started to practice of loaning it to quality manager. However quality engineer is working on critical project anf feels theoor needs should have the highest priority. The conflict started between employees in each department and has escalated to involve both department managers. Now they must resolve the problem or take it to the higher level.

If you were me what you should do?
do u have any theories ?

2007-01-24 07:17:45 · 2 answers · asked by salomxxx 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2 answers

well, first i would try and resolve the issue yourself. if no success, go to HR.

2007-01-24 07:20:40 · answer #1 · answered by Soula3 4 · 0 0

I'm not sure what the project is or the constraints on the resource, so it's hard to say. You would need to evaluate the impact to the projects, and what the resource means to project completion. If it iwll several affect the projects what does it mean to the company? You can evaluate based on the financial impact (ie lost revenue, increased expenses) or non-financials (effect on customer relationships, increased workload for each party etc). However is more critical, you would need to give priority to. If they are both critical, you would need to split time/resource between the two. You should also really think about what other solutions there are. can a similar resource be borrowed from another department until the project is finished. Can an escalation/negoiation be used to get budget from another area. Can one of the teams perform the project with a different resource or use less of the resource and more headcount?

2007-01-24 16:25:46 · answer #2 · answered by Curious 2 · 0 0

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