I was a very troubled youth, and eventually droped out of high school. I worked several different jobs, I was an assistant manager of a gas station and a tobacco shop, a crew leader for a fire protection business, an alignment specialist at a tire store, and I worked construction for two and a half years. Now I am working at a meat packing plant, and will more than likely stay there for several years (Good pay and GREAT benefits).
My advice to anyone, not just troubled students, is to suck it up and go as far in school as you can. Life was VERY hard for me for a very long time. I was supposed to graduate in '97, and I eventually got my GED in Sept '01. If I could do anything differently, I would deffinately stay in school and try to go to college. It could have changed the way my wife and I are living. It would have changed the life of my son.I left high school thinking that it was just a terrible was of time and an inconvenience, but that was 10 years ago. If I had had that inconveinence for just one more year, then maybe I wouldn't have had to waste so much of my life finding a job that could support my family.
It is too east to just give up and quit, to think that everything will be ok. Trust me, it won't. I am 28 years old, and have lost so much of my life just trying to scrape by. The 4 years of high school, and 4 years of college are a GREAT trade for a lifetime of hardship.
I know that a lot of kids who might read this are going to think that it will be different for them. It won't. I thought the same thing when I was 18. Every youg man or woman thinks that they know everything, I was no different. Take it from someone that has been there, kids, STAY IN SCHOOL! I don't have too much of a choice anymore, but you can save yourself YEAR and DECADES of hardship.
2007-01-24 07:34:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have to answer this now because I will only be in my 20's for 372 more days.
1. No. I got in trouble in high school literally 1 time; it wasn't my fault, and my mother came to the school & cussed out the teacher.
2. If you get in trouble a lot; try to calm down; If you never get in trouble; it may not be that you are lame- you just never got caught like me. Just be social; the working field requires those skills, but still focus on school.
3. I am a representative for million-dollar account holders for a major shipping corporation. I have been at my job for 6 years and I worked my way up to this position. I started off in customer service & I only have a high-school degree. I wanted to be into some type of art field- this doesn't make me "happy" but it pays the bills.
4. I did graduate, but if I could go back I would have not settled for low A's & B's. I would have used my potential & did better. I would also have went to college. Even though I have a good job & that; I still regret not having that experience & not being in the feild I really want to be in.
2007-01-24 15:24:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I've been in trouble and I've been the good kid. It is always easier to be the good kid. If I could go back I would do 30 minutes more work a day - that's all, but it would have made a huge difference in making school easier. I did graduate - and I went to college - but I could have been so much better off if I'd worked harder at school. I did what I had to to get by, which seemes like a fine idea at the time, but now I have to learn how to work just for me and not becasue I'll get grounded if I don't. Work your butt off when you can so that you won't have to if you don't want to later. I graduated from college 5 years ago.
2007-01-24 15:20:23
answer #3
answered by imnotachickenyoureaturkey 5
Good question!! I was the worst kid ever! I was always grounded, fighting with my parents, partying way to hard for my age, and was just a little jerk. I finished HS and swore off college, I was sooo done with school. Now my mom is my best friend, I have a great job in downtown Chicago. I graduated 6 years ago. I would not change a thing, you live you learn. My advice to younger kids is don't take everything so seriously.
2007-01-24 15:19:10
answer #4
answered by Cowboy Take Me Away 3
at first i was constantly in trouble, then (good or bad thing however you look at it) my son was concieved and i started straightening up.
Advice to students like i was: You are not "grown", as so many like to call themselves, Selling weed is not a career, and you dont know everything so shutup listen and learn a thing or two.
My job: full time student, mom
Thing I;d do differently: realize that when high school teachers say you have plenty of time to decide what you wanna be when you go to college, they really mean you have like, one year before you start really worrying about graduating on time
2007-01-24 15:20:05
answer #5
answered by i rock 2
I wasn't always in trouble but I was in my fair share, the advise I'd give is to study and stick with it. I'm a medical assistant and I'm going back to college to become a nurse. If I could do it differently I honestly would concentrate more on studing, I'm in a dead end job and I have to go back to school now if I want my life to be aby better.
2007-01-24 15:15:03
answer #6
answered by mhireangel 4
My advise to u is do very well in 11th grade. That is the most important grade because colleges look at that. That is what I would have done.
I graduated in 2000, 7 years ago
Im an admin assistant (still looking to go back to college) because I didnt do good enough to get schoalor ships which come with good grades. So please focus on ur schooling.
2007-01-24 15:29:08
answer #7
answered by Hi my name is... 3
How could a person who was in trouble in high school give you good advice, or advice of any kind? I suggest you ask the people who didn't get into trouble in high school, and the advice is to not get into trouble. Usually people in high school who are trouble makers or get into trouble means their parents were absent either emotionally or physically in the home and the person had no or very little direction in how to learn, how to treat people, ethics, church laws, how to know and obey school rules, how to respect people and their belongings, no etiquette training, etc. But probably mostly they never learned to respect themselves. So those are the things I would say a person who gets into trouble in high school should learn about and adhere to.
2007-01-24 15:16:44
answer #8
answered by sophieb 7
NO: Great student in High School
2007-01-24 15:12:31
answer #9
answered by whatevit 5
I'm 40somethings! and couldn't resist not answering your Q.
I was OK, not really a trouble maker, but one thing i always regret, not finishing University, if i had a chance, i would do it in a heart beat, %100. It will always hunts you !
But allow me to brief you that, my situation was a bit different. because of my refugee status and escaping the Iranian fascist for difference of opinions 1983( execution if caught), changed few countries and always had to support my self, therefore lost lot of chances ! SO, if any body has family support along the way, PLEASE, finish your education to the highest your ability......
2007-01-24 15:29:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous