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According to Jim Webbs speech dems and reps look at the economy differently however; his assesments are not correct according to the experts.

He said
"wages and salaries of our workers are at an all time low as a percentage of national wealth."

"economists never use wages as a percentage of national wealth instead they use it as a percentage of cost of living, and when you compare the wealth and cost of living the sky is not falling as Jim Webb is saying"

He also said, "our manufacuting base is being dismantled and our jobs are going along with it"

However "economists say that it is true that manufacturing jobs are leaving however High tech jobs are coming in which balances out the flow, and to not mention this is a dishonest account of what is going on"

2007-01-24 07:04:11 · 13 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics & Government Politics

it was the truth squad on Countdown with Keith Olberman. so are they lying now too?

2007-01-24 07:14:59 · update #1

13 answers

The DJIA at an all time high building real value, not like the 1990's dot-com ponzi scheme.
Unemployment is at an all time low + 15,000,000 illegals are working as well.
2 consecutive years of historic tax revenues.
Average wages are incrasing faster than inflation.
Number of people living in poverty are decreasing.
Personal savings has increased.
Consumer confidence has grown every quarter for 24 quarters.
Energy costs are down.
Cost of living is down.
Inflation is low.
The GDP increased 1.1 trillion dollars in 18 months.
The trade deficit halved.

The sky is not falling at all. Only a fool or someone who was picked to rebut the President due to his personal dislike of the POTUS would think or say that this is not the best economy in the history of the US.

2007-01-24 07:22:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Comparing wages to the cost of living is like suggesting you want a country full of people making shizzit wages buying lots of cheap shizzit, and the remaining 1% who own everything else. Democracies work a hell of a lot better when there's a strong middle class. Under Bush, we've been trending toward a Banana Republic.

High tech jobs require an education. So if you're not a college graduate, you're basically hosed. Especially when you consider the immigration problem and the decline of unions. And yes, manufacturing jobs used to provide a good, union-protected income for a lot of people with HS educations. The loss of those jobs is also a loss of income power that those union members fought (and sometimes died) for.

2007-01-24 07:15:56 · answer #2 · answered by Good Times, Happy Times... 4 · 0 0

where did you get that?

first, that "economists never" sentence is bs. most people who have asserted that the minimum wage is too low are saying so because of its buying power. i don't know if people do ever look at wages as a percentage of national wealth, but the minimum wage compared against the cost of living is too low. the sky is falling in some places and has been for some time, that is why people complain of an insurance crisis, it is because inflation has made the minimum wage insufficient. it has to be tweaked unless you wish people to starve.

high tech jobs are not coming in. please cite a source for this, nothing you've quoted appears to be true.

seriously, i can't find it anywhere so maybe you aren't quoting it verbatim... but i can't find anything anywhere that suggests high tech jobs are increasing at a rate that replaces what we lost in both high tech and manufacturing. have you seen anything that actually suggests that because if that guy said so, he doesn't appear to be basing it on anything? manufacturing won't come back and high tech was hit hard in ways it won't recover from. china, korea, eastern europe and india are all competing against each other for software jobs and i don't see our companies not taking advantage... do you?

and jesi:
"Average wages are incrasing faster than inflation.
Number of people living in poverty are decreasing.
Personal savings has increased.
Energy costs are down.
Cost of living is down.
Inflation is low.
The trade deficit halved."

you just made all of that up. i don't hate bush, but why do you hate americans so much that you make stuff up that clearly isn't true? gone to a gas station lately??

2007-01-24 07:08:07 · answer #3 · answered by uncle osbert 4 · 0 3

He should have talked more about the "real" reality about the economy. Things like:

personal savings are at an all time low
personal debt is at an all time high
cost of health ins. has nearly doubled
cost of tuition has doubled
home foreclosures are at an all time high
personal bankruptcies are at an all time high
"real income" has dropped every year fore the past 5-6 years

2007-01-24 07:14:41 · answer #4 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 0 0

The oldest play interior the e book, misdirection play. Reid and Pelosi purely took a historic beat down and what do they opt to speak approximately; something however the economic gadget wherein their complete concern lies, the economic regulations that they exceeded have failed and somewhat frankly, they do no longer opt to speak approximately it, and with the Republicans having been very direct of their opposition of it, they have not have been given any political disguise to run to.

2016-11-01 04:33:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The constant attack on the economy is par for the course with the upcoming Presidential elections. They will not let the American people be confused with the facts.

2007-01-24 07:18:48 · answer #6 · answered by Boilerfan 5 · 0 0

Webb and the president both made misleading statements in their speeches. Unfortunately, that's just the way politics are today.

2007-01-24 07:08:51 · answer #7 · answered by kberto 3 · 1 1

Nope. It's proof you don't realize that 90% of economic "experts" are biased and I can always make up some stuff that contradicts it and you can't prove I'm wrong.

Um - read my response again. Isn't it clear enough?

2007-01-24 07:11:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Forget webb. Do you really want us to talk seriously about a pouty Reagon reject party jumper?

2007-01-24 07:10:38 · answer #9 · answered by Curt 4 · 1 0

You certainly do have a hard-on for Jim Webb today.

2007-01-24 07:09:33 · answer #10 · answered by Sun Spot 4 · 0 0

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