I only pull out as much as I need. I mean I keep $20-40 cash on me at times, but i barely use it. I pay off my cc bill on time, and i get rewards..it's like turning down free stuff for things you buy anyway. As for an NYC attack..well that's all good and fine, but no offense..i'm just not paranoid about things like that. There is always check books, and really..more cash makes you a bigger target to a mugger..especially if you're in a big city like NYC. Not to mention a shut down with credit cards or debit cards usually last at most..what...24 hours? for your bare necessities...you usually don't need much more than $20-40 for the day, and if it lasted longer..you can always walk to your bank..and pull out cash..the line may be long..but honestly..i'd rather wait for the emergency and wait in line..than always carry $100 cash on me at all times. Wallets are easily stolen and/or lost..that credit card is recoverable but that cash usually isn't.
2007-01-24 07:09:48
answer #1
answered by Dorkus 4
The most I've pull out is $200 and on an average I withdraw $100 a week. I try using my debit card as much as I can but I use my credit card a few times a month just to build my credit.
2007-01-24 15:09:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
And where do you live? So I can jack you after you hit the machine?
Just kidding. I use my debit card frequently, keep usually less than $100 in actual cash. It's easier to keep track of expenses, receipts, etc...
And I just don't live my life worrying about whether there'll be another attack.
Now, however, if I lived in Florida, I'd probably keep at least a grand in cash handy during hurricane season, in case I had to hit the road fast.
2007-01-24 15:09:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There are many purchases under $20.00 that cash is the only way to smartly make a payment. I agree with you that $100.00 is good level of cash to take out of an ATM. Although I would not add to the funds in my pocket if I have $20.00, I find that slowing the use of cash is the best way to stop impulse buying.
2007-01-24 15:11:04
answer #4
answered by whatevit 5
I usually pull out $200 to cover those times when using my credit card isn't feasible or possible. It usually lasts a long time as I only use it to pay people like my gardner/handyman and pay for small purchases. For most everything else, I use my Visa to get travel points and pay it off monthly.
2007-01-24 15:15:05
answer #5
answered by susan c 2
2007-01-24 15:07:37
answer #6
answered by LOVE 2
I am a 60-100 dollars kind of guy. I HATE the ATMS out of your network that charge for the use so I try to make it worth my while so I don't get 3 of the 2 dollar fees instead of one.
2007-01-24 15:07:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Usually about $50. The more cash I carry, the more I tend to spend on worthless things.
2007-01-24 15:12:56
answer #8
answered by Crazie4Cops 1
Usually around a 100. When I was a poor college student I would take out 10 sometimes.....
2007-01-24 15:12:02
answer #9
answered by Krn 4
I used to pull out $400 every time, the max allowed. I've been a little more conservative lately though with the economy and all.
2007-01-24 15:06:55
answer #10
answered by lvillejj 4