well of course YES it it murder!!! and to add salt to injury I might see it be done in case's of rape/incest but the majority case's are not so...all too often it is done because the **adult** is inconvinenced and didn't **Mean** to produce a child...need i go on...
2007-01-24 07:32:14
answer #1
answered by sosickiam 4
well... technically it is. i won't even try to argue that it isn't human or that it isn't being killed. but, that isn't how the law works. how can it treat two people who live in the same body differently?
i'm really asking, because that's the whole point. either we live in a country that says you get to do what you want most of the time without being bothered, or we don't. i don't see any way to fit that first description and also ban abortion. why shouldn't i have the right to go to the dr? why shouldn't i get to have him help me in a way i choose?
i understand that you guys get sad about the baby, but please explain how it would work if abortion is murder? how do you know someone has died unless you saw the mother go to the clinic? or take the pills? what if it's a regular miscarriage, how would you know? that's why i say the law can't deal with it. i can't see how it could without changing every aspect of my life.
2007-01-24 12:59:57
answer #2
answered by uncle osbert 4
1.) I think you are going to rub a lot of people the wrong way with constant questions.
2.) I do believe it's murder. Most people like to compare it to chickens or other animals. They are implying that the life of a chicken is more valuble than the life of a human being. Although, the egg of a bald eagle is more protected than the child of a pregnant woman.
Clenard H. Childress Jr:
"Pro-Choice? This carefully devised phrase was contrived to provoke our inward zeal for freedom and the civil right to make choices freely. I am all for freedom of choice, except when it comes at the expense of innocent lives. Women who have been deceived into wrong choices and children who were never given any choice at all are the victims of pro-choice America."
I am not what you'd consider an "agressive" Pro-Lifer (like the media paints all pro-lifers as militant). However I do care deeply about this issue.
2007-01-24 13:01:19
answer #3
answered by Mr. Info 3
It definatly isn't. Murder is defined by menace and premeditation. Abortion involves neither. It is nothing more or less than a surgical procedure. Like most procedures, it saves lives. Some people have good experiences with it, some have bad. Some women regret it, but more will experience post-partum depression. A woman's rights are ALWAYS more important than the rights of a clump of cells that has no thoughts, feelings, nervous systems, loved ones, jon, opinion, friends, or motor skills.
2007-01-24 13:02:04
answer #4
answered by Nina Myers 5
To answer the question... No, grow up.
To desmondwater - The term pro-choice is no more absurd than the term pro-life. Both are meant to make their opinion seem attractive. Who isn't pro-life? Who isn't pro-choice? No rational person is anti-life or anti-choice... Both terms are equally stupid.
2007-01-24 13:02:00
answer #5
answered by brooks b 4
Only if the Fetus is capable of sustaining life on it's own outside the womb.
2007-01-24 13:06:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No it is not murder. After a certain I believe it is, such as when the fetus would be viable outside the womb. Otherwise if the fetus is not able to sustain itself than it is not a life and is not murder.
2007-01-24 13:00:16
answer #7
answered by Perplexed 7
I believe it is, but that is my opinion, some will tell you its not. To me that "fetus" has its own DNA, its own body and should be seen as a seperate individual.
Our laws are hypocritical as they stand, the unborn is only a person if the mother chooses it to be. She can abort, but if she chooses not to and someone harms her, they are not only charged with harming her, but her unborn baby as well.
I don't get it.
2007-01-24 13:11:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It is obviously murder, because unlike the inept analogy of Tracyella, the human eggs are fertilized. Leave it to a lib to use inept analogy...
2007-01-24 13:09:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think so too. I don't think there's anything to really debate; you're killing something, and that something is an unborn human being. Sounds like murder to me.
2007-01-24 13:01:00
answer #10
answered by Anonymous