Ah, the ultimate repuglican lie. Supply side economics has never worked, it usually feeds a recession, so Bushy created a war and a war time economy to cover up the inadequacy's of giving tax breaks to the very rich, as you reported the national debt rose to record numbers under Reagan, only to be surpassed by Bushy jr. But the nut job repuglicans never learn, they just keep on, keeping on, I wonder if it will be another 40 years before repuglicans take control of congress again, I sure don't look for them to go anywhere in the executive branch either at least not in 08
2007-01-24 03:50:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
NO !! Reagan will bypass down in acceptance once each and each of the peanut brains of the infant boomer era die. For some reason, they gained't or won't be able to see the wear and tear Reagan did to the country. heritage isn't so form at the same time as Social protection and Medic help FAIL as a results of HIS BORROWING OF the money !!! Iran - Contra . President Reagan ought to were impeached for this yet politics gained over the regulation. no human being had to question a fave President even although he broke the regulation. DEBT Reagan BORROWED 2 TRILLION money !!! He set the craze for the GOP because the BORROW and SPEND celebration. AIDS what percentage lives were lost because Reagan performed politics with the info the CDC become giving him. It wasn't a nationwide project till heterosexuals began to die from it. maximum were contaminated from a blood provide that ought to were screened yet become deemed too severe priced and too a lot hastle for a ailment that killed homosexuals.
2016-10-16 01:08:52
answer #2
answered by ? 4
The deficit has in fact declined by some $165 billion over the last 2 fiscal years, and according to the most recent data has continued to fall in the first quarter of fiscal 2007. The latest Treasury estimates for January show that tax receipts in December were $18 billion higher than a year earlier, helping to boost the budget surplus for the month to $40 billion, up from $11 billion a year ago
with both a war and the continuing massive hemorage of the money going to Katrina to continue without a deficiency shows it did work after the decline from 2000 to 2004 but I bet you will just pass this off as right wing propaganda. I cant wait until the history books are written and proves this is one of the best economies in the history of the United states.
2007-01-24 04:04:04
answer #3
answered by CaptainObvious 7
I think you need to take a chill pill and go back to school. there was very little difference between the way Clinton ran the country and Bush runs the country now (economically speaking). Oh there are some subtle differences, but all in all, since Reagan proved his system worked Clinton actually adopted some of his policies (secretly that is). Supply side works it actually leads to more money for the gov. and it empowers people. The reason for the debt in the 80's was that Reagan and the Dem. controlled congress would not cap spending, to me that was Reagan's single mistake and Bush is doing it as well. The guy below me has just a bit of good common sense,thank you sir.
2007-01-24 03:53:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No we're not.
Don't you just love how Democrats refer to supply side as "the ultimate lie" yet I'm the only one citing the Federal Reserve and the Census Bureau?
Look, there is data on this covering the whole population and supply side worked. The so-called "shrinking middle class" argument is silly - the middle class is smaller in proportion to the whole but the same data set that shows that shows this also shows where the households who left the middle class went - - between 1979 and 2004 92% of them moved UP.
You can vote thumbs down all you want, it doesn't cause Census Bureau data to be false, I'm sorry to inform you.
You are obviously in the 8%. You sound like my brother in law, never completed school, never even got a drivers' license, takes the T to work in a store at the age of 40, gets home in time to watch Lou Dobbs tell him that he makes a fraction of what I make because of a big corporate fat cat conspiracy - instead of saving and watching Jim Cramer on the NEXT CHANNEL OVER tell him how to invest his savings and catch up.
All these people complaining that they won't have enough to retire on - - - - did you max out on your IRA contribution last year? How about your 401-K? Nope? Then SDASTFU junior.
And as far as the Laffer Curve aspect of supply side, all you need to do is look up the Treasury receipts. Federal revenue including federal tax revenue has skyrocketed in the last four years, to record levels. It is higher than revenue was projected to be with or without the tax cuts on a static basis. And Fed policy was neutral and then restrictive during this period. That means the tax cuts paid for themselves.
2007-01-24 03:47:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't know what you're talking about.
I've gotten my trickle down from Bush, I now make 4 times what I did during Clinton's presidency, and now Bush is going to give me ANOTHER tax break...
2007-01-24 03:47:13
answer #6
answered by Ricky T 6
The Dems defeated the balanced budget amendment.R.Torrecelli of NJ was the swing vote.Clinton was president.Bush did spend us into a hole but Dems gave him the power.Don't be such a Fan.
2007-01-24 03:51:13
answer #7
answered by Dr. NG 7
Hey there. Go To NumbersUSA.com and alipac.com and see the discussion Groups there! Then come back and let 'em have it!
2007-01-24 03:46:45
answer #8
answered by Sassy 3
They've trickled on me quite enough thank you very much.
I need an umbrella!
2007-01-24 03:45:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous