well.. if a customer service rep wanted to really mess up the account.. they could.. but it would show up that someone has tampered with your account and they would loose there job.. umm.. everytime a rep is looking at a account.. everything is monitored.. they have machines that screen calls.. and everytime you make a move in the account well more like change something.... there is a little time stamp in a lil notepad type thing that this change had been made.. nobody can delte that.. no one has access to do so.. and whenever a rep makes that change.. they have to write down y they changed it this and that.. so if this rep had changed something on your account.. and you get your bill and see that something was changed.. then call baq.. they will b able to fix it..
2007-01-23 20:04:56
answer #1
answered by Chuck 5
It depends. Depends on company policy, the individual that you so cruelly infuriated and how much they care about their job as well as what billing systems the corp uses. Some systems probably are accessible remotely, and if the employee doesn't care about his job he could likely do some nasty stuff in the account that would render your phone unusable - after all, they have to be able to troubleshoot phones, which means that they have to have at least some access to the backend network systems that make your phone work. This shouldn't really be an issue though, because making people that work in customer service(in person or over the phone) mad is just plain cruel and wrong. These people are human beings that don't deserve to have someone trying to push their buttons.
2007-01-24 03:42:25
answer #2
answered by Will 2
No , I dont think mobile companies will do that. It requires a lot of technology to do that remotly and I am not sure how many operators in UK have this technology.
2007-01-24 03:31:27
answer #3
answered by am_bidar 1
no they cant..i dont even think it's even legal to do so..unless they were really really really really really mad..who knows what will happen..
2007-01-24 03:38:24
answer #4
answered by PisTonS 1